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Huge Quandary

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A year and a half ago I moved across country with my wife and child to be closer to her family. It wasn't close enough. Five months ago, the wife left with our child to her home town, which is 4 hours north of here. So I am stuck in a town where I no virtually no one. All my support is back East, family friends. I miss our daughter terribly, but seeing her so infrequently (every other weekend) and with the distance (four hours), it's breaking my already broken heart. Moving up there is not an option for various reasons, and I'm wondering if I should stay here or go back East? Part of the problem is I am just not coping well out here. I know if I go back East, I will regret it forever, but if I stay out here, I'm afraid I just won't ever get better. Any thoughts? Anyone been in a similar situation?

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Hi. I think we need more information before we can answer. Why did you and your family move closer to her family? Why did she leave you? Why don't you get to see your daughter more often? Are you divorced yet?

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we moved out here because she was miserable back east. she left because she said she was tired of fights, and that they were instigated by me. i'm not seeing my daughter more because of the distance. the divorce is in the works.

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I feel your pain.

I'm on the verge of separating from my H because of similar reasons. I want to move back to our hometown -always on my mind to move back- and he believes it'll be the worst mistake of his life to leave his job here and move back.

I miss -terribly- my family and friends, like you, I feel very isolated where we live at. He does not mind. So after much discussion -2 years of back and forth arguments- the desicion was made. I'm leaving.


It sucks, as responsible human beings we want to commit and do the best for our marriages. But as individuals, we need to be happy in order to enjoy a healthy relationship.

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Was this the first time your wife has been so far away from home? Is she willing to let you live with her if you agree to stop fighting? How about counseling? How does her family feel about you? It seems like she might be young and under the influence of family members.

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