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My roommates boyfriend has something up his sleeve

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My roommates boyfriend is getting on my nerves. I recently broke it off with my boyfriend (ex#1) and he invited him (and my ex I dated before him (ex#2)) to a baseball game next month. They are both going but have never met and dislike each other.


I decided not to go to the same game with them (to aviod any drama) but I think that he is secretly trying to sabatoge me by doing this.


My ex boyfriend (#1) and I got in a fight last week with it ending by him calling me curse words amongst other obsenitites. My ex also calls my roommates boyfriend and talkes sh** about me to him as well- which incenses me. The only reason why my roommates boyfriend knows these guys is because I introduced them to him while we were dating.

Why would my roommates boyfriend do something like this- and what should I do about it? I do not asscoiate with him much and he sleeps over our house all the time- which is beginning to bug me. I brought up how I was going to call my ex-boyfriend (#1) and tell him not to go and he immediately got mad and was like" that's not going down". I can't tell my roomate to ask him not to sleep over as much because that will probably enrage him and I don't want to deal with that. He's a big guy 6'7. I'm moving out in a few months so maybe I should just hold my tounge and avoids talking to them (my roommate and her bf) whenever possible. Any ideas?

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you're kinda in a sucky situation...how close are you and your roommate?....I think the best bet is to just hold the tounge. That's what I would do.

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