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I feel my wife humiliated and embarrassed me, am I overacting?

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How are you taking being unemployed? Is it possible you are miserable and she knows it, and she was just trying help? Albeit, not the greatest way...


He's not unemployed. Read his words. Work just slowed a bit.

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Unless she sees something negative, I. E. A consequence of her actions, she'll do it again.


So you need to sit her down and tell her that she's done this before and despite what you've said, she oversteps the mark. This sends a message that she is being disrespectful to you and if she ever does it again , you will seriously question remaining in this marriage.


If it happens again , take some time out, spend a week or so in a hotel and the enormity of her actions will hit her. Any wife who respects their husband would NEVER repeat it, if they realise it could cost them their marriage.


I hope this is the last time it happens, but if not the above should be the last time.

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He's not unemployed. Read his words. Work just slowed a bit.


The devil is in the details here. He was obviously choosing his words very carefully here so we don't know the exact degree that his work "slowed."



If he is the sole proprietor of an ice cube shop and there is an ice age moving in - he is unemployed for all practical purposes.



If he was making $100k/yr and sales dipped a little and with a dip in his commissions he is now only making $90k/yr, that is a different story.

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