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Heart broken(not so bad now)

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Heart broken(not so bad now)

If U read my story yesterday then You`ll know the score. Anyway this girl I`ve been seeing for the 2 years has phoned me up and we had a little chat, I`ll probably go around to hers for an hour later on.


What I`d like is to know how to handle the situation, how should I play it?


I`d particularly like unnamed and Laurynn`s opinion. Paulie can just shut the ##### up with his/her `know it all` attitude. I really don`t give 2 s***s whether I use enough paragraphs or not, If his/her advice was anywhere near reasonable I might reconsider, but (s)he`s just full of crap...


Thanks to the 2 forementioned level headed people, who have a grasp.

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The language used in the above post was not necessary, particularly your reference to fecal material. That is not an appropriate explative on a board where lots of ladies visit.


And you may not care about using paragraphs, but if you had an ounce of courtesy, a working knowledge of writing structure and cared about getting more responses, you would use them. Large blocks of gray type give many people headaches and they just don't read them.


I can understand you may be bitter at the world at this time but I hope your normal attitude is a bit more polite and considerate. Absence of paragraphs is excusable, use of foul language is not.

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This is indeed something to intricate whereas I lack the proper knowledge to prompt you exactly what to do. But, the least I can do is throw some ideas at you.


You're not there for sex, to drink, or to have a good ol' time. I doubt that you are thinking along those lines, but your focus is to essentially "win" her back.


Whenever I have a problem I need to discuss with my girlfriend, I generally take her somewhere private, preferably her or my room, we sit down and let it all out. It may not be easy, and some things the other partner might not want to hear, but in the end, it works out for the better.


So do just that. Forget the living room, unless no one is around. Turn off the television and computer, sit her down and open up. You may be highly reluctant, but you will never get her back if you do not talk. She will just not suddenly come back to you.


Be kind. Tell her how you feel about the relationship. Tell her you came on here for help, and [hopefully] recieved good advice and further insight into the relationship. That way, she knows you are trying and that you need her.


Next, ask her what she's thinking, how she feels about the current situation, and how she feels about getting back into the relationship. Do not, I repeat, do not jump on her for being rude. Odds are she is expressing how she feels, and I would not be surprised that it hurts you. Instead, sit back, take it all on and be understanding.


Look. You have a special woman on your hands, one who has been through a lifetime of pain and is looking for a way out. You can be that way out; the path to freedom, the journey to happiness, and the train to love. (I know, this is getting corny, oh well... :p) The only advice I can give to you is be patient with her.


This woman has been through a lot, and deserves extra-special care. Be affectionate with her.


I'm starting to ramble here, but one other thing: do not drink tonight. Talk to her about the drinking issue.


Perhaps ask her to spend the night. You do not have to sleep together, but at least be together. Rent a movie. Do something other than leaving the house to be with friends. Focus on her tonight. Do not try to win her back with a nice dinner and a movie, but win her back with how you feel.


You love her, and I do believe she still loves you. Women like that can get confused easily, especially if something of their past rears up in the current relationship. Tell her you want to start fresh and make something good of the relationship!


As I mentioned previously, I'm rambling. Your heart will direct the course of the night, and I can only for your sake, and for her's, that the night closes with satisfaction and true, honest feelings confessed.


Let your heart do the talking!


Best of wishes to you. Get back to us with the outcome!


- unnamed

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Heart broken(not so bad now)

Thanks again unnamed, your help and ideas are extremely welcome.


I have since been around at her place, we had a nice chat about us, her, me, and many other things. I`d say things look a little brighter than in the previous few days. Although, it`s got to be a gentle operation as you say, and may take some time.


Oh and an apology may be in order if anyone out there took offence to my to my comments in the previous post. And thanks to Tony for pointing out my oversight so mmm.. (for want of a better word) in-depth, you`re a real swell guy.

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