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Am I depressed?


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I don't know if I'm depressed or not, because I have never suffered from depression before. All I know is that I don't like the way I am feeling and have been feeling for about 9 months now (no, I'm not pregnant). I'm just not feeling my usual happy self. I feel really down a lot of the time.


About 9 months ago I just started to feel 'bothered', and I don't know by what. Everything in my life was really good. I should have been really happy with it. I don't know what brought this feeling on either. My boyfriend at the time commented that I'd lost a bit of weight and he was concerned (because I have always been thin). I told him I don't know why I've lost the weight. I have been really good at putting on a façade around people who know me. They don't know how I am feeling and I don't feel I can talk to them because they have enough of their own problems to worry about.


7 months ago, my boyfriend split up with and it was basically the straw that broke the camel's back. My feeling of unhappiness has escalated somewhat since then. I'm not happy in my job, but I am looking to change that, but it will take some time. I feel somewhat confused and messed up by relationships now and I am avoiding them like the plague (why would I want to be with someone and who would want to be with me when I am feeling like this anyway -- I am being serious).


I feel like I have a big grey cloud hanging over my head. I just don't feel content in my life. I don't feel suicidal. I would just like to fall asleep for a year or so and wake up happy. I don't know why things are getting me down like this. I have never been like this before. Just last night I was sitting at home and I felt all tight in my chest. I had to get out. Once in the car, I felt like bawling my eyes out and had to tell myself to try and remain composed.


Can anybody help me here? I'm tired of feeling this way. I was thinking of seeing a counsellor to help with some issues I am finding myself faced with as time progresses (self-esteem, not getting over ex, general relationship issues, whatever it was that triggered these feelings 9 months ago&.). I also have lost about 6 kilograms in the last 9 months and I am not eating properly.


I want to be happy and content, and I'm not. Please help me. I don't know what triggered this feeling of unhappiness, but the events of last 7 months haven't helped.


Thank you so much for listening to me.

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What you have been through would make anyone feel depressed and less interested in life.


Whether you suffer from clinical depression or not should be up to a psychiatrist to diagnose and, if necessary, treat.


You can get some tremendous information on depression by entering the word in your favorite Internet search engine. Even after you have read all about it, I suggest you see a doctor.


If your depression isn't clinical (or brain chemical based), then you are suffering from reactive depression...which is a normal psychological response to life's setbacks. In that case, an excellent counsellor can help you along.


Regardless, it's much better to get out, do things, and take your mind off of yourself and your problems. Find interesting things to do. I know your interest level is low but if you can take the focus off yourself...maybe even do some volunteer work with children or the elderly...you'd be surprised how much better you would feel.


Get help soon.

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