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Boyfriend's cold

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My boyfriend and I had plans for today but two hours before he called me to cancel because he wasn't feeling good, he said he was having cold symptoms. I was dissapointed but he askeed me if he could see me tomorrow. I said ok. Now, do I kiss mu boyfriend tomorrow or should i abstain from kissing because he might have a cold?

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Don't count on getting together with him tomorrow. If he is feeling the symptoms today, he may well be worse tomorrow.


Colds are spread by airbourne pathogens and you can get them as far as 50 feet from someone who is sneezing or coughing. So while kissing him may not be a good idea for three or four days, just being around him will put you at almost the same risk for catching a bug.


Make him some chicken soup, pass it to him through his door (tell him not to breathe during this quick exchange), and go out and have some fun with your girlfriends until he's better.


Of course, he may really appreciate your company. It might be very romantic to share germs.

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