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Signs of a girl ??????????

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Hey everyone, i just wanted to ask for a bit of advice if thats ok, I'm in my mid 20's & still single though i think my problem is either a confidence thing or even more so (as i can be confident at times anyway when i want to be) but i think it's reading the signs that I'm not too good at & was hoping you could help me.


For example, theirs a girl who has moved in near by, really nice looking though I can't work out wether she likes me or not, i'll explain.


I did her a CD of some stuff as she asked my younger brother if i would do it for her, of which i did & he took it over to her for me, my brother is only young & I've said to him a couple of times "ooh that so & so is lovely aint she mate" , obviously been a child he's told her (which is cool for me & all good anyway), he even gave her my mobile number but she never sent me a message or anything (which is fair enough cause i never gave her it myself) & she has said to my brother a couple of times "are you making this up?" (though i think she knows he aint as i've told his mates after them asking me so i'm sure they will have said something anyway), anyway, i sent her another CD as she lost the original one (apparently) & added a note, with a bit of fun with it saying stuff like "If you don't send me a message your getting no more CD's" (with a smiley face) & also i said "My little brother even said your sexy & have a nicer bum than Kylie's (training him up) ha", so she obviously must know, but later on she told my little brother that she lost my number in her phone anyway (she also told him she sent me a message but i didnt reply (though i never got one so not sure i believe that to be honest)), then i went to my local bar & later on she came in (i dont know if she asked my little brother or if he just said to her that I'm going to this local bar (she may have been going there anyway) but she came in to the bar), her older sister was sat behind me & she walked up to her to talk to them & as she was walking up, she slipped a little & grabbed my top (held it for quite a bit aswell though she probably was drunk lol) & later on, after she had gone, i went & spoke to her older sister & said brought this girl into conversation a little & I said "I would" & they laughed, so theirs enough signs there i think & surely she must have got the message.


Then some time last week, i was alking up the path & she was in the kitchen talking to someone but sat near the window, she turned round & was looking at me & was smiling at me quite a bit & then yesterday i was playing my music loud & she asked my brother to ask me to turn it down (think i may have pissed her off), though i saw her again last night & i spoke to her, she said "Hello" & then i said "did i piss you off with the music today then", she said some stuff & that she was dancing away to it in her house, so i said "why did u ask me to turn it down then" & she said "cause i couldnt hear my music then", so i just said nicely "fair enough, sorry" & she was with her friend going somewhere & just walked up (she acknowledged & i guess she was alright about it anyway), but she hasnt really said anything to me or anything after all this, thats promising, just the sings i've mentioned, though that for me could be wishful thinking or i could be reading things wrong, it's also hard to get to talk to her as i only see her when she walks past really or if she's in her kitchen & i'm walking up the path or whatever, so i dont really get chance to get to talk to her at all, but cause of the music thing aswell, & how the conversation didn't go as i wanted it to last night exactly (I wanted tpo say something like "you gonna let me take you out sometime" to her but she was with her friend, they were going somewhere etc.. & I couldn't do it, so i'm not sure if she is too bothered about me to be honest, but i wanted to ask for some opinions here, just cause she smiles & all the stuff above, don't necesarrily mean she is attracted to me does it? & i could be reading it wrong cause i want it to be that way, so can you tell me honestly how you see all this please?


I do like the girl, but don't wanna make a fool of myself or ruin it by saying anything to her just to be denied? (I know you can say you dont know until you ask) but i just wanted to know what you thought, are these good signs, or just friendlyness going on here?, I really am confused.


Sorry it's a little long but just wanted to get it across so you had a good idea to judge this for me & let me know, i have had serious heartbreak in the past & been let down by girls a lot that i don't want it to be "just another one" so called, she might think I'm nice but thats it, nothing more, i dont know?


What do you think & thanks also for your time & help in regards to this, it's much appreciated !!



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thanks mate, no probs, negative or not, i wanted some opinions so i value all, another thing i forgot to add is that she also said a bit back to my little brother aswell, ill snog him while having a conversation with her sister, but i never heard that myself so dont know the conext it was said in, girls are hard to read lol

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if anyone else could add in some views too it ouwld be much appreciated, i dont even know the girl well, i just think she is fairly attractive, so even if i got to know her, i know things could change, but i was just wondering about the signs, the memory i have of her from the kitchen window, while someone was talking to her in the kitchen she was really looking at me & smiling while i were walking up the path, it was like her attention was on me, but i dont want to read too much into it, incase i'm wrong or anything, i am so bad at telling the signs, even when in the past they have been directly in my face, guess it's some negativity problem i have or something, i honestly dont know but it would be nice to be able to be with someone though who is nice, & obviously i know part of a relationship is knowing someone, but i was just thinking & asking in regards to the early signs.


I know everyones opinion/perspective will be different to others (thats what makes this an interesting world how people look & see things, rather than just all agreeing), so any other views, i would dearly appreciate & thank you.


I just need a little guidance & advice on what to do here, it's quite difficult.

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I'd say you and her are in the vague aquatence zone right now. If you do like her, ask her out for some coffee.

If you let this go on much longer you really will be filed away under the 'friend' title and then you will be screwed(er not in the good way)


Rejection makes for dissapointment(which you get over) but not trying breeds regret(which will last a LONG time)

So i say go for it. Dont come on too strong, just ask her out for something simple. And if she orders a donut with her coffee i recommend against the old penis in the donut trick. It never goes well ........... :sick:

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Aww thanks Super, i really appreciate your reply, i was quite upset that no one was replying to my post (think that may have been cause my post was a bit long, most people couldnt be bothered), but obviously when your feeling this way you hope & prey for as much answers & advice so for those who have taken time out to add their input, i appreciate :)


Can i just kindly ask, what do you mean by the vague aquatence zone? :)


Hope your ok & thanks again :)


Anyone else who is kind enough to add a response, thank you, it means a great deal to me !!

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I just mean, you only see her every once in a while by chance. And dont really speak to her much. not a friend, just someone you know. Like some person you share a class with who you know who they are, but thats about it.


But anyways, this works to your advantage. You arnt a friend so you can put on some moves. So do it already!!

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As I read it I was getting the impression that there weren't any obvious signals that says she wanted a relationship. That doesn't mean she doesn't like you, but I'm not seeing any hints or anything. It doesn't look like you're in the friend zone yet, so you have a little bit more time to see if you pick up on any signals. A lot of guys would just ask her out anyways, but I get the impression you're one of those guys who likes to get some signals before making a move...fair enough you'll just have to wait and see.


Also, don't be so serious around her! Playing loud music isn't the biggest crime in the world, and she said she was dancing to it anyway...then you're like "fair enough, I'm sorry." You can say sorry and still have a laugh about it at the same time, but if you are being so serious you will never get any flirting signals from her.

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