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bf objects to nude photos

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I am considering doing some nude modeling. My boyfriend strongly opposes this, and has tried to change my mind about the opportunity. I think this is my decision, and although I respect and have listened to my bf's opinion, I feel ultimatly this is something I want to do and the decision is mine.


Should the decision be entirely mine or do I not do it b/c my boyfriend does not like the idea?


I am also interested to hear what you people think of nudity? My bf says that everyone that wants to pose nude or strip or do pron has something wrong- like they were abused or have other issues...for me, I am pretty normal otherwise. I just think that posing nude would be a confidence builder and it would be something to remember myself by when I am old and ugly. Not to mention, its great money for little work.


Other factors:


My boyfriend has no problems looking at photos of other nude women, its a case of not wanting it to be his g/f.


We live together.


This is nude photography--not porn

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No matter what our opinion is here, your boyfriend objects. So it's not up to us to tell you what to do.


It would be nice to have a supportive guy who let's you do most anything you want. But I would think a great many men would have a problem with their ladies posing nude for many men to view.


Now, if these were just for your purposes, fine. But the fact that you are getting paid implies they will be used on the Internet, in magazines, or in some sort of public display. If I am in a special relationship, I feel there are certain things that are very private...that I really don't want to share with the rest of the world. I'd feel odd sharing my gal's nude body.


On the flip side, he should be very proud that you have a body that a photographer is willing to pay to photograph and others will pay to view. At least he gets to see the real thing.


I can see your boyfriend's point of view and I can see your's as well. Showing your nude body to the masses is sort of beyond the scope of normal conduct so I can't really say your boyfriend has a control issue. Obviously, what you want to do is more important than his objections. So, go for it. If this eventually leads to a break up, at least you'll have the nude picture thing out of the way and you won't have to deal with it in your next relationship....


....of course, unless you become in great demand by other photographers, magazines and Internet sites.


Why don't you go to a nude model forum (enter that in a search engine) and ask nude models how their boyfriends deal with their career. May be of some help.


Let us know where you'll be published. I wouldn't mind having an 8 X 10 for my collection.

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Hi cinsi,


I don't think you should try to get your boyfriend to change his mind about this. I don't think there is anything you could do or say to make him not be bothered by this.


And it's his right to break up with you over something like this.


You just need to weigh your options here. Which is more important to you? Are you willing to possibly lose your boyfriend if you go ahead and pose nude? Or if you decide to listen to your boyfriend, are you willing to go on without regretting your decision and wondering if you should've done it or not?


"Should the decision be entirely mine or do I not do it b/c my boyfriend does not like the idea?"


Yes the decision should be mostly yours, but sometimes if I really cared for my boyfriend, I've listened to his input/wishes on the topic before I came to a decision. But then again, there have been a couple guys I dated who I could care less what they had to say.


But ultimately, the decision is totally up to what you want to do.


"I am also interested to hear what you people think of nudity?"


It all depends on the person. I think see anything wrong with nudity...as long as it's between my boyfriend and I. I do think it's very personal and something that I'd like to share with only a few special people. I don't think every guy out there deserves to see my (INCREDIBLY SEXY) body. LOL just kidding!


Actually it makes me wonder now...if my body was ever sexy enough that people wanted to photograph it...would I think differently?


Hmm probably not.


But then again, it just depends on you.


One more thing, posing nude as a confidence builder doesn't sound like a great idea to me. I don't know why..it just caught my eye.


Anyways, good luck making a decision.

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