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Flirty, flirty, flirty - BOOM!

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Sorry, guys!



He did eventually reply to my questioning whether the 'other thing' was that he had a girlfriend, and said something along the lines of: 'No it wasn't to do with that, I was going to say you're really pretty but couldn't'



I do not understand men. I reckon this was him trying to salvage the situation but regardless - I will be nobody's bit on the side! Haha

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He wasn't lying, he DID want to tell you that he thought you were pretty. What guy would be saying that he had a GF, with him acting all smitten? Having a GF is beside the point.....he really wanted to tell you how he felt about you. He couldn't help himself, he is very attracted to you. In some people's mind as long as they don't touch, it's OK to flirt, hang out with someone other than their SO.

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Sorry, guys!



He did eventually reply to my questioning whether the 'other thing' was that he had a girlfriend, and said something along the lines of: 'No it wasn't to do with that, I was going to say you're really pretty but couldn't'



I do not understand men. I reckon this was him trying to salvage the situation but regardless - I will be nobody's bit on the side! Haha


I'll tell you what he really wanted to say to you. He really really likes you and not just as a friend. The pretty thing was something that was already known. The GF thing got in the way of that.

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One of my best friends is like that, a big flirt. She loves it. Witty, charming, effusive, touchy. She flirts with everybody and anybody. Going out with her is like going out with a puppy. She’s married. Doesn’t stop her. Her husband knows. She's like a sparkler, plus a puppy.


To me, it sounds like he still wants to keep you on a little flirt-string for now, with the whole "I was going to say you're really pretty but couldn't." Weak.

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I'm one of those people who always thinks, how would I feel if I were on the other side (meaning the girlfriend)? Umm no. I don't condone flirtations from men with SOs. You're smart to halt it immediately.

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We have never kissed or anything else, I'm just going off his behaviour and attitude towards me. Feel like a moron because he had a girlfriend all along - shouldn't he have mentioned her earlier?! Nobody in work knows about her, they always comment on us when we're around each other.

Its bonkers saying that about yourself. You didn't do anything wrong or foolish. You're single and got carried away with a guy you like who was flirting with you. He stooged you, but that was not his prime intention I'd say. I'd say he really fancies you and got carried away. He didn't step over the line as far as an EA but he did mislead you and would have got a kick out your flirting back. Anyway its back to formal friendly now

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You guys have all been spot on with your comments here! Thank you so much.



Working tomorrow...I'll keep you posted!

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I think he put the GF out there, but is hoping that won't deter you from pursuing this further. He might be one of those that has a GF back to back. If things are looking like they are going to happen with you, he's just going to dump her. Not an ideal thing but hey if you like him you like him.

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