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taken for granted

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Right now IM so confused I can't for the life of me figure out what hes thinking


it started a couple weeks ago Id had a really bad couple days and the built up stress finally came out in tears..my boyfriend came over in the middle of it and I stopped whatever attempt he made at comforting me I felt really dumb with him looking at me because really I had no reason to be crying and I just couldn't stop I told him to phone a mutual friend of ours to do something and he invited him and his girlfriend over ..when they got there I was somewhat fine we just sat around sharing dumb stories until they were leaving he had to drive his girlfriend home its kind of far maybe a half hour drive at the most but he invited my boyfrind along (I guess me telling you my boyfriends name is matt might make this easier to write) so he invited matt along but said to me don't worry Ill bring him back ... so I was supposed to just stay home...wait up...I guess I was a little choked about this so I went for a walk I was still a little upset from before and ended up lost in the rain... I stopped at a 711 for a slurpee and Id gone to school with the guy behind the counter he said he was off soon and asked me to stick around and go for coffee I really wanted to but started to feel guilty if I wasn't actually home when they came back...when I got home itd been 45 minutes I waited another hour of so before going to bed...my boyfriend phone from home an hour later saying he was comming by with my cell that Id left in his car he ended up staying the night and in the morning helped himself to my food he clipped his toenails ad went on the internet completly ignoring me the whole time...then we "had relations" and he left litterally got dressed put on his coat and left..he came back gave me a kiss on the cheek and said Ill call you later or something like that...


(oh I forgot to mention him and my friend had gone to the bar after dropping his girlfriend off) I didn't talk to him for over a week... if I called he either wasn;t home or I was told hed call me back (that didn't happen) every paranoid thought ran through my head and I eventually assumed that that was that and he just didn't have the guts to dump me talking to my friend (the one he ditched me for ) basically second those thoughts...but then I talked to matts best friend and he didn't have a clue what I was talking about when I said I was dumped he asked me something dumb like "hows matt?" and I said I wouldn't know...he cheered me up a lot and said hed talked to matt the other night about me and he supposedly really likes me balh blah blah doesn't know what hed do without me ect ect he cheered me up big time and I guess he talked to matt cause then next day he showed up at my work all sappy and lovey dovey saying I heard you thought it was over and everything was really good for one night... he said he got sent home from work and had the week off cause there was nothing to do... I had some friends over after work 2 days ago and my best friend was sleeping over and he showed up drunk, he didn't exactly get what he came for but he stayed the night anyways in the morning we were all going to go for icecream I was trying to convince him to come to my friends birthday party that night hed said before he was going to but changed his mind I was sulking a bit but more jokingly I didn't really care all that much but weve been going out for 2 months and hes only met one of my friends.. then I went to go change so we could go for ice cream he looked in on me and then left I followed him but when he didn't stop I yelled after him that I was just checking my mail or something ...he kept walking... I pretended like I didn't care and me and my friend walked over for icecream he was walking back from there my friend yelled what a bitch can't even wait for us but he just ignored her.. ignored us both and just kept walking right past us


and now I still haven't heard from him since its only been two days but ... I don't expect to.. Im basically assuming its over until I hear otherwise but I don't know what this is all about and I really like the guy when hes NOT being a huge prick like for the first month and a half....any advice right now would help me out so much because this is honestly killing me

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