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My wife has slept with my friends

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First, I don't know anyone intelligent who boost their argument with Urban Dictionary.


It must be true, he read it online...in Urban Dictionary :lmao::lmao::lmao: !!!


Mr. Lucky

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The rule of three is meant to be tongue in cheek and not a literal calculation of course, but as a general concept it has a lot of truth to it.


As a feral rule, women will only fess up to what there are witnesses to.


If she dated Jimmy, Johnny and Joe in high school and it was public knowledge, she pretty much has to admit it.


What she won't admit to is the time she went to Jake's apt after she left the bar and all her friends went home that one time or admit to the guy she went out with once and had a ONS after he didn't call again afterwards.


In otherwords, women don't admit to things that they themselves aren't proud of and that which cannot be proven or that has any witnesses.


And all the dead-ends, near misses, ONSs and drunken barn dances probably do add up to around 3 times the number of BFs and witnessed excursions so the rule of 3s probably isn't that far off.

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you have post-traumatic stress disorder, the picture on facebook was the cause, she could have put a more platonic picture (i think i would have)


screw the picture, take it down, you have had your feelings hurt so far with no exit strategy, too much to bear

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you have post-traumatic stress disorder, the picture on facebook was the cause, she could have put a more platonic picture (i think i would have)


screw the picture, take it down, you have had your feelings hurt so far with no exit strategy, too much to bear



PTSD from a picture...come on....

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The rule of three is meant to be tongue in cheek and not a literal calculation of course, but as a general concept it has a lot of truth to it.


As a feral rule, women will only fess up to what there are witnesses to.


If she dated Jimmy, Johnny and Joe in high school and it was public knowledge, she pretty much has to admit it.


What she won't admit to is the time she went to Jake's apt after she left the bar and all her friends went home that one time or admit to the guy she went out with once and had a ONS after he didn't call again afterwards.


In otherwords, women don't admit to things that they themselves aren't proud of and that which cannot be proven or that has any witnesses.


And all the dead-ends, near misses, ONSs and drunken barn dances probably do add up to around 3 times the number of BFs and witnessed excursions so the rule of 3s probably isn't that far off.


Exactly. This is well put. I never really thought of it that way but it makes perfect sense. Anything her husband will never discover... didn't happen. I've noticed that too. She will quickly tell you about Jimmy, Johnny and Joe, since she knows eventually you will run into them, or the truth will slip out. But it's a given that during the summer backpacking trip through Europe she only "kissed one guy" or some such rubbish. Often the logic with revealing sexual history is... if you can't get caught it's not lying...


Honestly, if it's not being shoved in your face be careful asking questions about her past. It's never going to be good news.

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I agree. I'd love to. I can't help the way my mind wanders. I don't want to think about it lol. I'm just looking for advice on how other people, going through similar situations dealt with it, mentally?




well it is not a healthy way to act or think. that is why there are professionals for counseling....I think you need one to tighten a few bolts or something.

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