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****ed Up

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Recently I had met this wonderful greek girl. We have played together in a theater play before but at the time I hadn't felt this way about her. She isn't exactly hot or super attractive but her personality and interests fit me perfectly. The play that we played in the last month we spent a lot of time preparing and we had an amzing time together. The absolute dimwit I am I decided to ask her out in the most retarded manner possible.


For Some Reason I decided it would be clever to ask her out in greek, since recently we had been teaching each other our foreign Mother tongues(She speaks greek as her first language, I speak chinese as first language). Either way I learn the sentence(Thelete na pate na parakoulithete mia tania mazi=Wanna go watch a movie some time). Next step I decide to ask her out after our practice but she decides to go home with her friend so I decided to tag along to the Train stop. For some reason I feel the desperate urge to tell her today even though I know it isn't a good idea. The absolute retard I am, I decide to wait till we are in the train stop. 30 seconds before the train arrives I tell her in my ****ty greek in front of her friend. After a couple of seconds her friend says that I said it apparently pretty well and understandable. Either way I don't get an answer and the train doors close and I just wave goodbye. At the Time I didn't think it was sucha big deal, but the last 2-3 weeks I was trying to enjoy myself, summer holidays had started but somehow whenever I tried to savour the moment of fun I kept thinking of how I ****ed up and how much I missed her. We still talk but I realize that I ****ed it up and there is no way to correct it. In fact she even dropped the remark that I was the perfect fit for her but she wasn't into asian guys: She likes british people(I am half british), shes pretty good at school and in fact we got the same average 9.6/10 at school, she likes piano players and musicians and dancing-I have played piano for 7 years and have won numerous awards and nominations, many first places and recently a contract to play at a hotel for 500€ and a free stay for 4 days. Furthermore I speak 4 languages fluently and love to learn more(greek). Either way I ****ed up bigtime and I was just wondering if u guys see anyway to salvage it or if I just have to suck it up and move on. Btw I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this asian type thing is legit or just her way of subtly rejecting me. Whatevs, thanks a lot for reading and have a nice summer!:cool:

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I don't think you messed up at all. You learned how to ask her out in her language and it was apparently spoken well according to her friend. I don't think it's anything you did in particular, it seems as though it's her and she's just not interested for whatever reason.

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