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Anyone else in my shoes? Fiance loves me and another person....

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So what do you intend to do, LovedNC...?


Ignore all sound advice here and make it work at your end, but let him continue to emotionally torture you from his end?


Or actually pull your 'Big Girl' panties on, kick him to the kerb abd make a decent, proper honest life for yourself, without him?


Shed the drama, or carry the baggage?


I think it would be only fair, having laid this dilemma before us, to at least give us an inkling of what you intend to do.

Although personally, I fear the worst...


She is obviously marrying him. She is more scared of being alone( or dumped again by a gay) than being cheated on. If she chooses to stay, at least she can keep lying to herself.

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Of course he didn't consider it cheating, when a person cheats they rarely see it as them having done something wrong. When they DO see it, they play the victim card and say "I better keep this from my partner because it is selfish of me to tell them I cheated just to ease my guilt. Why I didn't think it was selfish to cheat in the first place is beyond me, don't bring logic into this."

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