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Does my long distince guy friend like me more then a friend? Even with gf

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Hey guys. I'm new to this community. I'm trying to find a new forum where I can post my problems then the previous forum I was on. So I need your guys input on something and tell me if you think it's possible or not possible


So I have a guy friend who I went to high school with, I moved out of my high school town in 2011, and we keep in touch as friends. I always came to him for advice and he always gives me advice when I need it. I mean what are friends for. Well anyways somewhat recently, it possibly started a few years ago, I'm not sure when but he started liking my Instagram photos here and there, it's not a biggie, he does have a gf. He has like 7 to 10 photos out of 59 photos. Also when I came to him for advice recently, I asked him what I could do to help myself find a bf and he said that I need to quite finding a man and do what I enjoy doing and the right guy will come and I said yea and I can find a good guy friend to do things with and he asked why do I need a guy friend and he asks why do I want a bf so badly and he's sad that I want a bf so badly. So my question is with the recent convo and him liking 10 out of 59 Instagram photos does he have feelings for me, even though he has a gf?

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So my question is with the recent convo and him liking 10 out of 59 Instagram photos does he have feelings for me, even though he has a gf?

No, ap2010. He does not have romantic feelings for you. He is coming across as insensitive, selfish, inconsiderate. He is happy with his relationship; and he isn't thinking about you. Continue to follow you own heart, and find someone special for yourself...as he has for himself. If you ask him, he's just going to deny it. If he wanted to be with you, then he would have figured out a way for that to happen. If you ask him, he's just going to deny it.


He is demonstrating selfish, non-loving, non-compassionate thoughts/feelings. Even if he WAS available to date, don't date such a person.

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Thank you for your replies. My guy friend is a good person at heart. So I know he's not a selfish person. he did say that I'll find someone someday and to keep doing what I enjoy doing and to be myself. He likes me for who I am as a person and friend.

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I have many guy friends who like my photos and vice versa and it means nothing at all. Thats what friends do.

Liking a photo and talking to you should not spell interest.

I think he also knows your hinting around for him and his feelings. Almost like you are trying to lure him in.

Stop doing that.

Talk to him much much less. Dont post on instagram for likes. Dont be desperate for attention.

Look at how you can help the world, volunteer, get a meaningful hobby, invest in great girlfriends who you admire.

Why do you want a love triangle?

You developed a crush and want him to like you so you are finding ways to make it seem he does.

Even if he did...dont you want someone to hold your hand and go do things with?

Your focusing all your energy on a bf and your going to miss out on life! Go to gym, get out with friends, work on loving yourself and your self esteem and self confidence will benefit. You probably didnt get the answers you were hoping to hear on the other forum so u came here for different ones.

He doesn't like you like that and dont embarras him or yourself by trying to make that happen. He sees your pictures and all of his other friends pictures too and we all like our friends pictures. Get off your phone and go live a big life.

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Thank you all for helping me and giving good advice. I wasn't intending to ask him on if he liked me or not nor will I ever. I will never put myself in that position to ruin a relationship. I do have some lady friends but I get along better with guys then I do with girls.

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guy friends are a bad idea when you're looking for a boyfriend. let yourself be thirsty!!! it's not a bad thing to want something .. desire manifest. that' guy... needs to mind his own business

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