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Now you're just somebody that I used to know


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How I wake up always sets the tone for my day. I wake up and sometime it takes me a few seconds and then I cry. Time to start my day again. Today I miss him. My friend. The one that always wanted me around and now he has put me behind him and I'm stuck picking up the pieces


He doesn't know what it feels like to be rejected. He doesn't understand my pain. He doesn't get to miss me in the same way. He wasn't a bad guy when we dated and I know he will have no problem finding someone else to latch on to. How he is dating again is beyond me. I don't want to feel angry. But I can't look back with fondness either. It hurts too much. He's off the pedestal and I see his flaws but only bc I'm forced to so I can move on. This would have been the weekend we celebrated him passing his actuary exam. I don't even know if he passed or not. I was there for him everyday when he was studying and being supportive. That song by gyote rings true "now you're just someonbody that I used to know". So sad.

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You'll find as you get more relationships that this is normal. It also applies to friends you have in your life. One day, you have a buddy and you think you'll be besties for the rest of your life. Then, time goes by and you grow apart to the point you no longer talk.. It happens all the time.



Don't look back on your time w/this ex as a waste. It was a life experience. Clearly, you two shared good/fun times but it didn't work out.



Focus on you and your FUTURE. Reflecting on your past continuously doesn't help you move forward. Allow more time to pass and keep yourself busy. You'll find these thoughts will start to fade. You'll wake up one day and say "hum, I fell ok this morning". Then, you'll look forward towards what life will bring you with excitement.



Don't lose sight that right now, you're next great partner is out there waiting to meet you.

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Sorry you're going through that. A break up can be jarring and make you doubt/question everything you shared with that person. I am going through a similar thing but have to keep moving forward. I don't know what my ex is up to now but I remember playing Adele's "someone like you" one morning and crying like a big baby. I was 3 hours late to work. I had no motivation and had to force myself to get out my couch and get to work. It sucks but after implementing NC for a little over a month now, I am doing better. Best wishes to you.

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"I have learned more looking in the rearview mirror , than I ever have looking over the hood" my point is , it's ok to look. Back on what happened as long as you don't stay there and you learned from it .. We as people learn from our mistakes , it makes us who we are .. In time you will see that when you breakup that person becomes a stranger , just someone that you met on life's journey .. I look at it this way , my ex is dating that's fine I don't control her and she is free to do what she wants , but the person I dated isn't the one that her next will date .. Because that relationship was between us , so when we broke up she's became someone I don't know, simply because we aren't together anymore STRANGeR now

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Aries you are right. I know this breakup has certainly changed me and maybe for the better. The next guy I date will know the better version of me. I try to remind myself that if I thought I was that happy with him imagine how happy I will be when I meet someone who can be compatible on a mental physical and emotional level. I try not to look back and get stuck on the good times. To be honest it's getting harder and harder to remember them.


Pidgeon glad to hear you are doing better too!!! In the beginning I came into work. Cried in my office and went home. That was rock bottom. Can't have this crap affecting my career.


I don't want to talk in terms or all or nothing. Maybe in months down the road I will come to see the "reason" that he entered my life.

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