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What now?

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Hi all!


I have been talking to a guy as friends for probably about 5 months through text. We met as kind of a fluke on LinkedIn and exchanged numbers and have been talking off and on ever since. We are facebook friends also. When we first started talking I was with my ex and in an unhappy relationship. I know we liked each other but it wasn't the right time...

So anyway, fast forward to recently. I have broken up with my ex but we are still living together for the time being (I am looking for a place to live). My friend "B" is aware of everything. B is also seeing a girl who just got out of a relationship.

Over the weekend he invited me out with him and his friend. I went and met them at a pub and B and I hit it off right away. It was like we've known each other forever. It was close and intimate and he had his arm around me, we held hands etc... I ended up driving him home... This is where it gets interesting....

He invited me in, to go into his hot tub. He was a bit drunk, I was sober. Once we were in there he made his move and we made out in the hot tub for almost two hours. All we did was kiss and minor groping. It was amazing!! The connection is intense. We both agreed on this. I asked him if he would feel guilty the next day about what had happened, he said he probably would, but that they aren't exclusive and she isn't his girlfriend yet. Fine.


SO... The next day we talked and he said he really enjoyed hanging out with me etc, and knows there is a big connection but he can't have that happen again as he doesn't want to do that to the girl he's seeing, and he's not that kind of guy... Which really, he isn't. He said he doesn't regret what happened but he feels guilty. Catch 22. I told him I understood.

So we still talked throughout the day and I am kind of playing this off as lightly as I can.

HE made the first moves throughout the whole night. I never intended for it to go where it did. I know he likes me, told me he saves pictures of me in his phone, and that there is "something about me"...

I know I can't just jump into something else nor do I want to... But now what? I mean, we already established we like each other, we've already crossed the platonic boundary... So does this mean we should no longer hang out? I don't want to ask him because I am trying to keep things light. All he kept saying was it always seems to be bad timing between us..


Any advice on how to proceed would be great.

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You're both in messy situations. Why don't you have a chat with him and tell him you're willing to clean up your messy situation and be moved out in one month and that should he become unattached, you'd love to hear from him then. And then the ball is in his court. If he doesn't, the good news is he really has the capability to care about a woman and not just play them, so that if he ever does become available, maybe he'd be worth it. Meanwhile, live your life *(after moving out).

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