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Very Confused


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I'm feeling very confused about how I truly feel about my boyfriend. We have broken it off on the weekend, but I cant stop crying about it. We were together for a year and it was great. My problem was that sometimes I found it difficult to communicate to him about picky things that annoyed me with the relationship. I felt I didn't want to start an argument or be negative. I don't know whether I have done the right thing in breaking up, but I know I can't handle losing him altogether.


I was told in the past by a fortune teller who my soulmate is suppose to be. I cant seem to get this out of my head, and now wish I had never been told. I have never told him about this and I hope this hasn't affected my decision to not give this relationship a better chance.


I know that breaking up is hard, but I cant seem to let go. I don't know whether my decision was based on what my heart is telling me to do or what I've been told. How can I tell what I really feel, and what is right for me to do?

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Going to the fortune teller and having a name given to you was the worst thing you could have done in all your life.


There is tremendous power in suggestion and if you are earnestly seeking the name of your soulmate and a psychic or fortune teller gives you whatever name, you will put a lot of power in that. Unfortunately, most of them are highly inaccurate. Many are scams. Some are just sincerely trying to make a living and don't realize they are screwing people's lives up.


Even if these were accurate, if the name Jim were given to you...the first time you went out with a guy named Jim, you would give tremendous energy to that...and it could very well be the wrong Jim.


I had a friend who had the same thing happen to him. He was told he would meet and marry a girl named Sharon. Well, the first Sharon he met he went for in a big way. They eventually got married. To make a long story short, they got a divorce right after she tried to poison him by putting a petroleum product in his drinking water.


My suggestion to you is to go to five different psychics. Get them all to give you the name of the person you will marry or a description. Then it will be proven to you that the name and/or description you have now is a bunch of crap...and all the others are too. Get this name out of your mind.


Don't leave the most important decision in your life to the whim of some stranger "fortune teller" (DUH) you will never see again.


Remember, this stuff has real power. But it's not psychic power...it's the power of suggestion. That's why so many people are warned of them and in their TV advertising there must be a disclaimer saying your reading "is for entertainment purposes only."


I hope you were entertained.

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Fortune tellers don't know SH$T!!!


GO with your heart!

I'm feeling very confused about how I truly feel about my boyfriend. We have broken it off on the weekend, but I cant stop crying about it. We were together for a year and it was great. My problem was that sometimes I found it difficult to communicate to him about picky things that annoyed me with the relationship. I felt I didn't want to start an argument or be negative. I don't know whether I have done the right thing in breaking up, but I know I can't handle losing him altogether.


I was told in the past by a fortune teller who my soulmate is suppose to be. I cant seem to get this out of my head, and now wish I had never been told. I have never told him about this and I hope this hasn't affected my decision to not give this relationship a better chance. I know that breaking up is hard, but I cant seem to let go. I don’t know whether my decision was based on what my heart is telling me to do or what I’ve been told. How can I tell what I really feel, and what is right for me to do?

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hi claudia,


i have one thing to say regarding this statement:


i was told in the past by a fortune teller who my soulmate is suppose to be. i cant seem to get this out of my head, and now wish i had never been told.


i know some people won't agree with me, but i think fortune tellers and the like are scammers. they don't know you from a bar of soap, you shuffle some cards, shake some tea leaves or show them the palm of your hand and they make money out of your curiousity or the fact that you may need some direction in life. i once went to one when i was 19 and wanting some direction and something to look forward to, and if she was right, i should have been married approximately 3 years ago and be doing modelling or on the stage (big raspberry to her!!!) some things she said to me were track, but in hindsight, there are many things a fortune teller can pull out of their butt that apply to *many* people, but they make it apply to *you*.


you are the master of your own destiny, not a fortune teller.


i guess my point is this: don't spend your life searching for a particular someone because a clairvoyant told you that this particular person is out there. there will be a particular person out there for you, but this clairvoyant wouldn't have the faintest idea about your soulmate. no one can tell you who your soulmate will be because no one knows - only you will know yourself when you meet him.


try not to let what one money-making person told you rule your decisions because of something they told you. if you do, you could be letting your soulmate slip through your fingers because of what this lady said.


if you never went to a fortune teller, do you think you'd still be having these feelings about your boyfriend? of course, there is every possibility this guy may not be the one, but then again, he may be.


try to find out why you are feeling this way about your boyfriend and the reasons you are feeling rather nitpicky toward him. it could just be that you are not suited to each other, it could be because you are young (i don't know your age, but i'm guessing youngish), it could be because you are letting this fortune teller's "prediction" stand in the way.


no matter what the reasons are for you having these feelings, it will hurt and you will get upset, but that's only because you care about him and it's completely normal. very few people can have an argument or break-up without feeling pain on some level. but do take a close look at your circumstances and hopefully you can figure out why these feelings have surfaced the way they have.


just remember that you, not some fortune teller, are the master of your own destiny.

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...Well, the first Sharon he met he went for in a big way. They eventually got married. To make a long story short, they got a divorce right after she tried to poison him by putting a petroleum product in his drinking water.


is that for real tony, or i am i being a bit on the gullible side today??

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An actual TRUE story. If you want the file number in the records of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Hillsborough County, Florida, email me at <e-mail address removed>


You are obviously not gullible but you are very naive. Homicide involving couples is not an uncommon occurence. Most often these days, it involves one shooting the other and then turning the gun on himself.


There are many murders for hire. A Dallas multimillionaire was convicted of first degree murder and conspiracy last month after it was proven that he hired four golf partners to "rough up" his estranged wife, the mother of triplets. The lead man ended up shooting her instead of roughing her up. She was found dead with her infant children at her side on the living room floor by neighbors and police.


These things happen fairly often in every major city. (Though they are written up in newspapers, I'm sure they involve an extremely small percentage of married couples.) Bookmark a few newspaper sites and read them now and then. You can read about this stuff first hand.


I really don't suspect that a whole lot of them ended up together as a result of some fortune teller or psychic but the one I sited in my original post absolutely DID.


I do not make misrepresentations on this page to dramatize my positions. Real life supplies a sufficient number of examples.

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Thank you for your thoughtful response.

hi claudia, i have one thing to say regarding this statement:


i was told in the past by a fortune teller who my soulmate is suppose to be. i cant seem to get this out of my head, and now wish i had never been told. i know some people won't agree with me, but i think fortune tellers and the like are scammers. they don't know you from a bar of soap, you shuffle some cards, shake some tea leaves or show them the palm of your hand and they make money out of your curiousity or the fact that you may need some direction in life. i once went to one when i was 19 and wanting some direction and something to look forward to, and if she was right, i should have been married approximately 3 years ago and be doing modelling or on the stage (big raspberry to her!!!) some things she said to me were track, but in hindsight, there are many things a fortune teller can pull out of their butt that apply to *many* people, but they make it apply to *you*.


you are the master of your own destiny, not a fortune teller. i guess my point is this: don't spend your life searching for a particular someone because a clairvoyant told you that this particular person is out there. there will be a particular person out there for you, but this clairvoyant wouldn't have the faintest idea about your soulmate. no one can tell you who your soulmate will be because no one knows - only you will know yourself when you meet him. try not to let what one money-making person told you rule your decisions because of something they told you. if you do, you could be letting your soulmate slip through your fingers because of what this lady said. if you never went to a fortune teller, do you think you'd still be having these feelings about your boyfriend? of course, there is every possibility this guy may not be the one, but then again, he may be. try to find out why you are feeling this way about your boyfriend and the reasons you are feeling rather nitpicky toward him. it could just be that you are not suited to each other, it could be because you are young (i don't know your age, but i'm guessing youngish), it could be because you are letting this fortune teller's "prediction" stand in the way. no matter what the reasons are for you having these feelings, it will hurt and you will get upset, but that's only because you care about him and it's completely normal. very few people can have an argument or break-up without feeling pain on some level. but do take a close look at your circumstances and hopefully you can figure out why these feelings have surfaced the way they have. just remember that you, not some fortune teller, are the master of your own destiny.

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it really is unbelievable and downright sad that people can do these kinds of things another to person.


i know this kind of thing happens all the time and it's nothing short of tragic. i wasn't sure if you were kidding in your post or not (i'm not always good at at conveying and interpreting tone in writing). i suppose i was just a bit shocked to hear someone say, "i know a person who has been in a similar situation...it wasn't good".


i hope everything turned out for your friend in the long run, tony. thanks for clearing that up for me!

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I always wondered...if fortune tellers really could predict the future, then why aren't all the crimes and killings out there prevented and all the criminals caught?

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....good point sparkle. no one predicted the holocaust, various world wars, jeffrey dahmer, ted bundy, martin bryant, etc......


i've read many things about psychic murder hunters etc, but even that i am skeptical about (including nostradamus and his predictions, which when read in depth are actually quite vague).


one article i do remember reading (albeit from a trashy magazine) is a woman who claimed be princess di's clairvoyant and that she "saw" her accident prior to her death. yeah, right. not only does this make me sick, but if she was so legitimate, wouldn't you think she would have done everything in her power to keep princess di away from automobiles during the predicted time? wouldn't she have said, "diana, i have had a terrible vision, please heed my warning" ??????


i dunno. while they fascinate me with the things they say (and disgust me sometimes), i think they're just a novelty really.


oh well, each to their own, eh?

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