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wm have more game than Am

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ok when it comes to dating and women do the white malkes have more luck than the asian males. i see quite a lot of single asian males in thier 20-30's but never see it with the WMs. i am a AM, personally i find the WM's to be more talktive, outgoing, joking around while us AM are more quite, shy and at home studying or vid games. is this an accurate judgement of most AMs.

you'll never hear of a AM player or a AM who is very talktive with women and flirtous. WM u hear that a lot. are there any AM's out there that are succesful with women and what are ur secrets and what do u do or say.....etc....

could it be AM's lack of size in the body or gential area. i wonder why you see a lot of wm/af couples. i knew a couple of AF, when they were with WM's as freinds they were freindly and joking but when with the AM they were more serious and get the work done mentality. true or not

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what u talkin bout JOEL. stop the self-loathing already!!!


I'm an asian male and i get plenty of play. I'm bangin' this new chick for past 4 wks and now my ex GF wants to hook back up after me doing NC for 5 whole months.


what u talking???

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It all has to do with culture. There are some truth to joel's statements, except it's more about culture than race. I have many friends of many different ethnicities. But of all of my friends who are born in Canada, it doesn't matter whether they are indian/azn or whatever, they date white girls as often as any white guy would. Race isn't an issue unless you make it one, and as long as you are accustomed to Canada, you shouldn't have any problems. Now if a guy is born in Asia, raised under their principles, then he might have trouble being successful with a woman who is born and raised in North American culture.


Now alphamale is Indian descent (ppl usually use the term azn to mean like from China, Japan, Taiwan etc) and I'm not sure whether he is born in North America, but if not he has probably lived here for a long time and has assimilated into North American culture. In my experience, for some reason, guys from India assimilate into North American culture a lot better than guys from asia (China, Japan, Taiwan etc), I think it all has to do with culture of the varying countries. I almost NEVER see a guy raised in azn culture go out with a white girl from North America, but I have seen lots of guys born in India go out white chicks.

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Originally posted by blue16

Now alphamale is Indian descent (ppl usually use the term azn to mean like from China, Japan, Taiwan etc) and I'm not sure whether he is born in North America, but if not he has probably lived here for a long time and has assimilated into North American culture.


Both of Alpha's parents are from India but Alpha himself was born in London, England in 1965 and moved with his family to Detroit in 1972. So yes, Alpha was pretty much raised in the US.

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This is the third time this week I've read/heard something about asian men being single in unusually high numbers. I've heard it suggested being caused by a social stigmatism against white women dating asian men, with a reverse social trend that encourages white men to date asian women.


In any case, don't let racial stereotypes hold you back... there's no reason you can't get as many women as anybody else. I've honestly met a few asian guys who got more women than I ever will, and I'm no slouch. You're looking too much into things if you think asian guys are any different than guys of any other race.

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I agree with blue, race is only an issue if you make it one.


Based on the way you write, i can tell you have difficulty communicating in english effectively. And i can also tell you came to America not too long ago. What does this mean? well given that this is true, you are facing difficulties assimilating into the mainstream american culture due to your upbringing from a youth to a teen.


I'm chinese like you too, but i came at 4 yrs of age and i was fortunate enough to be able to assimilate into the american culture. But i also had an easier time here in nyc, because there is an abundance of different cultures.


Now i'm not sure how the asian population is where you live....But here in nyc, there are 2 groups of chinese which do not hang out iwth each other. the ABC's (american born chinese) and the immigrants (fobs) that came at a later age. As you would expect the abc's hang out with other abc's (and a few get along with other races well) and the fobs hang out with their own (as they lack effective english communication, yet excel in chinese).


Im betting if you lived here in nyc, you'd have an easier time getting along with others like you.


But there are always exceptions joel. Make good with yourself and take more english courses.....seriously though dont expect to get with any woman unless you have confidence in your abilities. women do not like men without backbones...that is a fact.

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BrotherAaron, this may be the third time you've heard about it this week, but it's certainly the billionth time that joel has brought it up.

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monkey00, the city where joel lives is about 35% azn, a mixture of CBC (Canadian Born Chinese) and azn's born outside Canada which immigrated here. There are definitely people that come from similar backgrounds then him living there.


joel first work on your english/typing etc then worry about other things. Priority one is to be able to communicate effectively, no matter where you are from.

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Originally posted by monkey00

Based on the way you write, i can tell you have difficulty communicating in english effectively. And i can also tell you came to America not too long ago. What does this mean?

I've asked him this a couple of times, but he never answers. His problem with communicating in English effectively has very likely little to do with his lack of skill, but his refusal to pay attention and take the advices that people give him. He's been told numerous times by people to improve his spelling and his grammar, but he doesn't show any signs of willingness to improve. I also highly doubt that he recently came to Canada even if his constant brooding about the cultural influences in the dating game may indicate something else. I've heard the same as Blue16, that in Vancouver there's a big community of Chinese immigrants, there are places where the ratio between white people and Asians are far worse.

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Originally posted by blue16

monkey00, the city where joel lives is about 35% azn,

actually I believe it is more like 60-70% chinese in vancouver.

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I think the only disadvantage that men of Asian descent (East and Southeast Asian, that is) might have in North America is that they do, on average, tend to be a little shorter than men of European or African descent. Some women in North America tend to want taller men, but that's not always the case.


The only other possible disadvantage that I can see is that some Asians tend to be raised in strict families, where they may develop different social skills than other North Americans. That's probably more of a problem in America than it is in Canada, which tends to be more multicultural in practice and more toward cultural differences. Some of the Asian Americans I knew growing up tended to be a little quiet and more serious and reserved than the rest of us, though that certainly wasn't true of everyone.


Joel, you needn't be so self-defeatist. What you should do is figure out why YOU can't seem to find luck with women. I know plenty of men of Asian descent who are better at getting women than I am, and while I'm not exactly Wilt Chamberlain, I do okay for myself. (Whatever happened to dudesomewhere? He had all of these LS chicks going "ga ga" over him).


I think it starts with attitude. Working your way up to being attractive to women takes a lot of work, and realize that it's not about being a Hollywood star, it's about getting the most out of what you have. Before you do anything, you have to have a positive attitude about yourself. I don't see that coming from you, I see you getting mad because you're attaching too much emphasis on hooking up with a chick. And I'm telling you, this love crap is not worth stressing over.

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Joel, do you really know what makes a real man?


Someone that has ambitions & goals in life. A real man has confidence in his abilities and especially in himself. women have and always will be attracted to these qualities.


A real man doesnt need a woman to help him accomplish these things. A woman is there along for the ride.


Honestly....just get your **** together, and you'll do fine with the ladies.

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