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I can't function--devastated

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It's been 4 months since I left him and all I can think about is how I failed...and now he is contacting lawyers. I'm 38 and terrified I won't be able to be a mother. I quit my job to be with him and now I am starting from zero. And all I can do is take Xanax and sleep. Please help...any words of encouragement or advice or been-there....

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It's been 4 months since I left him

And yet less than three weeks ago you were dating a guy you were crazy about here.


Based on the first threads you started back in April, you have broken up a few times. It sounds like you shouldn't have moved and would have been better staying apart and moving on - being alone and not even trying to date while still married and having a LDR.

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Sorry you are in a state of distress. Try to take yourself out of it for moments.


What tiny things can you force into your day for just a bit of respite?

A favourite TV show? Something on YouTube ?


If I could give you a big hug I would

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Please see counseling or support group. You need the support. It will help wonders, trust me from personal experience. l was given pills but didn't take them. It's only short term, there is no easy way but to deal with the pain and get through it

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