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It's the little things....

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All my problems are really so small in nature. Tiny. Nada.....


I feel guilty that I am wasting space posting about it, but they turn into huge problems!!


One is txting. Oh man. I used to chat/IM all day. blam blam. so fast. Now I take 5min to 2days later, and it's cause I am so... I hate it, but aware of things. Not wanting to seem too available. Actually knowing I am too available. Etc..


I ruin it. It happens with people I known in real life first too. In real life, we talk so.. 'like true friends'. They txt, I take forever. FB is even worse.


Then time goes by, I haven't seen them. It's like we fall apart, they think I ain't the same. They mirror my style of writing, I think they ain't the same.


We see each other, don't talk. Seem mad. In my mind I am thinking.... Nooooooooooo. We're tight!! We're like --><-- THIS?!? It's my fault. No.. It's THEIR fault!!


Whoever made me txt this way!!! Stupid people!!! Arghh... Maybe I'm venting. Again, it's the "little things"...

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