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I'm in love with a good friend

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I'm in love with a girl, that is a good friend of mine. I told her how I felt about her, but she said she couldn't choose yes or no. At first she was more likely to say yes, this was after we kissed in a party, but later on she was more tended to say no. She told me that her reason was that relationships with her never last long and that if we broke up, I'd treat her differently than before. I don't really believe it. Eventually I quit asking. However I see and phone her very often and we get along real well. I've never been so in love with someone before.


I've kind off got another girl now, but I'm not interested in her as much as I am in my friend. Every time I see her, I fall in love with her again, and this hasn't stopped yet, because she has never actually turned me down, she never said no, but I think it could never work out because she knows a lot of people and she is very popular.


What should I do??

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It sound like she doesn't know what she wants in a relationship if they don't seem to last long. Just because someone is popular and knows a lot of people doesn't mean that a relationship will or won't work. The relationship is between you and she, not everyone she knows. Maybe she is afraid of commitment. You say that you call her frequently, maybe if you don't call as much and when you do see her, don't go out of your way to make yourself known to her, she will realize that she could be missing out on a good thing. Plus, you also have to be honest with the girl you have now, she has feelings that you must consider. Don't think that if things don't work out with the girl you really like, that you always have this other girl. It doesn't always work out well in the end. Believe me I know. I was in a relationship for over three years with someone (long distance)and I wasn't happy. Instead of ending it, I thought that I would see if things worked out with someone I had met. It back fired, feelings were hurt all around and now I can't even be friends either of them. I ended up haveing no one. Good Luck!

I'm in love with a girl, that is a good friend of mine. I told her how I felt about her, but she said she couldn't choose yes or no. At first she was more likely to say yes, this was after we kissed in a party, but later on she was more tended to say no. She told me that her reason was that relationships with her never last long and that if we broke up, I'd treat her differently than before. I don't really believe it. Eventually I quit asking. However I see and phone her very often and we get along real well. I've never been so in love with someone before. I've kind off got another girl now, but I'm not interested in her as much as I am in my friend. Every time I see her, I fall in love with her again, and this hasn't stopped yet, because she has never actually turned me down, she never said no, but I think it could never work out because she knows a lot of people and she is very popular.


What should I do??

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