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Ex texted after 3 months

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Well im still blocking her but anyhow she justed mailed again from different mail..

She now spelled her questions...

She send an aggressive message why things turned out this way, why we did those mistakes why i made those mistakes and that she still thinks about it.


I think she wants to come back lol but she is tryin to make me hunt her instead of asking

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You both broke up for a reason. You have a new gf that you're happy with. Right?


She's putting out breadcrumbs to see if you're still interested. Maybe the grass wasn't as green on the other side as she thought.


Best thing is to stay dark.


However, if you want to get her off your back and she doesn't seem to stop maybe say "I moved on like you wanted and am happy with the way things are, you need to do the same."

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  • 11 months later...
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Hello guys,


Ex tried to get back to me at the last February...turned her down..


She found a new guy after few weeks... then NC till now...


She texted again "hi im thinking of you for sometime...i would like to know how you are and how you are doing...there is no reason to keep a grudge between us..we lived intense moments together...good and bad...But i still care about you and i would like to know how you...i don't keep grudges. I believe we both moved on...if you like respond..."



Well...that was unexpected.


What you guys think ?

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