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Wife cheated and left me for another guy


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I am curious and would like some opinions.


My wife's mom died, that's when everything started to go downhill and I could feel her becoming distant from me. She said I did not support her enough when her mom passed and she realizes life is short and does not want to be in a complacent relationship. She says we do not like the same things and have drifted apart. We were together for 10 years and married for 6.


Anyways she was still acting like we were going to work things out and stay married, we even got her wedding ring resized. Sometimes she would feel distant and other feel close. I found out later it was because she was seeing somebody else she met online on a dating app. She lied to me about hanging out with her parents and instead met a guy at a bar that she met online.


Anyways I told her I knew about the other guy and that's when the divorce process began. she has been seeing this guy since for the past 2 months and has recently introduced him to her parents, she also introduced him to our kids on the third week.


My question is do you think this relationship will last? I mean this guy she's with knows she cheated on me with him doesn't he think that's kinda shady? Doesn't her parents think it's kinda fast to be doing what she's doing?

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If life was so short she could of divorced you before screwing around. Like a person with self respect would behave. But man...you dodged a bullet. Do you really want to be married to the type of woman who goes to meet other dudes she met online in a bar?


The relationship will not last, or if it does last it will be a sad excuse for a relationship. Also if I were you I'd go try to get full custody of your kids. Nobody who is a fit parent behaves the way your wife does, and they surely do not introduce their kids to their affair partners..while the affair is going on. Sadly though courts these days cater to women, they can do no wrong and it takes a lot to get one to lose custody. But like I said: divorce and get this woman away from your kids. I don't know if you feel she is a good mother or not, but a person like this is not a good role model for children, I don't care if she puts on an act around them, when the kids get older(if they are not old already) they will be infinitely more perceptive and that is when you do not want them around a woman who does this.

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It doesn't matter if it lasts or not.


Hopefully you can move forward and be done with her brand of crazy and cheating.


She's not who you THOUGHT she was. She's capable of extreme cruelty to you - and that's not the quality you deserve.


Are you doing counseling? I think it would help you to understand how to distance yourself from her.


I'd be grateful to get rid of such a gal - I hope you will come to know that for yourself.



Stop handing her all of your power. She deserves none of your power. She lies - she cheats - she has no moral compass - she treats you terribly. That's not wife worthy.


Let her go treat someone else that terribly.


Move forward and be happy you got rid of the trash that she's been...

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I agree with beach. Who cares if they make it or not. She's a cruel cheater with no concern for anyone but herself, including not caring about the kids. Do you really want that back? I know this is extremely painful what she is doing but try to look at the person she is and ask yourself is this really what you want after giving her 10 years of your life and kids. You deserve better and so do your kids. You should take them from her if you can.

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I don't know how long will it last, I hope for you that it lasts long enough so you'll be completely detached and able to think straight if she tries to come back with you. She's right, life is too short to spend it with such a specimen.


One thing: if her mom died why do you use the word parents in plural?

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Also one more thing..you asked about what her parents think. I guarantee you she has made you out to them to be some horrible neglectful husband. She's probably lied and manipulated them so they think what she is doing is a good thing.


But her introducing her kids to the guy a mere 3 weeks into the affair and when she hadn't even known the guy for long..again that screams "unfit mother" to me. A good parent would never ever want to expose their kids to this in any way.


Unfortunately courts these days almost always favor the woman(gender equality yay!) and you pretty much usually have to prove the woman is insane to get the kids away from her.

Edited by Spectre
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I am curious and would like some opinions.


My wife's mom died, that's when everything started to go downhill and I could feel her becoming distant from me.


She lied to me about hanging out with her parents and instead met a guy at a bar that she met online.


Anyways I told her I knew about the other guy and that's when the divorce process began. she has been seeing this guy since for the past 2 months and has recently introduced him to her parents,


My question is do you think this relationship will last? I mean this guy she's with knows she cheated on me with him doesn't he think that's kinda shady? Doesn't her parents think it's kinda fast to be doing what she's doing?


I take it her dad and STEPMOTHER are happy with the new guy?


You know when a cheating spouse introduces their affair partner to the parents, it says a lot about their morals. Let's face it , no self respecting family would support or allow this and it becomes evident where the low morals originated from.


Will they last? Maybe they will or not , but you need to grieve the end of your marriage and move on.


Time for you to do the 180 and prepare for a life without her.

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Find the meanest shark of a lawyer you can and divorce her hard. Ask for primary custody of the kids, fight not to pay her alimony, get mean. You have to get mean with her or you will never see your kids. Women like her are vicious, cruel and evil. Believe me, I used to be married to one.

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My question is do you think this relationship will last? I mean this guy she's with knows she cheated on me with him doesn't he think that's kinda shady? Doesn't her parents think it's kinda fast to be doing what she's doing?


Friend, it doesn't matter if their relationship lasts or not. She fired you as her husband, she's his problem now. Her parents are blood, they will support her no matter what. Get a pit bull of a lawyer and keep everything you can because everything you leave on the table will go to build a new nest with her parents approved boyfriend.


Protect your children, protect your finances and stop communicating with her because it will get you nowhere. Your focused on her and what you lost, she doesn't give a sh*t about you at this point, your in the way of her happiness, she is focused on her new boyfriend. Pretend she got killed in a car accident, bury her and find your own happiness. Don't wait around for scraps from her because that makes you look weak to her and weak is not an attractive trait. Do not engage her, divorce her cheating a$$. The more time you focus on her the more of your life your going to waste. She is very poor wife material. The chances their relationship surviving more than 5 years is about 2%. File, she is not worth anymore of your time, get help to get her out of your mind now.

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One thing: if her mom died why do you use the word parents in plural?


The OP's life is falling apart and this is what you ask him :confused: ??? Sheesh...


Mr. Lucky

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My question is do you think this relationship will last? I mean this guy she's with knows she cheated on me with him doesn't he think that's kinda shady? Doesn't her parents think it's kinda fast to be doing what she's doing?


I totally get where you are right now. I've been there.


You haven't detached this person from your life yet. You still kinda think of her as your wife and someone you care about and when she's making bad decisions, you want to understand why someone you think is "good" would make such poor decisions.


The reason is because you still have the image of what you think she is in your head. The real version of your wife is the one who sleeps around on you and has no problem causing your kids confusion by introducing her boyfriend right away.


Once you let go of asking "Why is she doing this?" you'll start to recover and move on.


(The answer by the way is "Because she's not nice")

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The OP's life is falling apart and this is what you ask him :confused: ??? Sheesh...


Mr. Lucky


Sounded kind of strange, if only her Daddy remains, I would have used "her dad" not "her parents"... Just curious.


And I could ask you: with everything going on in this thread and all the forum, you feel compelled to quote me on this??? Sheesh...

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Michelle ma Belle

OP, can we assume that you still want to work things out with her despite how she's behaved?

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Touche. Did not mean my post to sound as snarky as it came across. Apologies...


Mr. Lucky


Accepted, of course

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Honestly, let her be. Can't tame the fire, then let it spread and burn whatever it is that's near her path.

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Thank you guys for all the advice I really appreciate it. I don't want her back, it is just that it is hard for me to see her move on before I have even found someone. I would love for her relationship to fail so she can ask me back and so I can tell her no.


Yes her real mom died but when I said parents I meant her real dad and her step mom. Her real dad and step mom argue all the time, barely like each other, cheat on each other, and have no sex life. I know this because my ex would tell me all this when we were together and her step mom would get drunk and spill the beans. They are also alcoholics and drink every day. Her real dad even went to jail for domestic abuse.. and yes I am sure she is filling her parents heads with all kinds of bad things about me just to justify herself.. she even punched me in the back of the head repeatedly one time when we were going through the divorce earlier in the process and then called the cops and told them I choked her when I didn't. I never asked my older daughter about this she came right out and told me without me asking that she saw my ex choking herself and then told my daughter "look what your dad did to me." ....

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She sounds like she has BPD.


You dodged a big bullet my friend. Divorce her as fast as possible and never look back.

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dude, time to move on!


she cheated on you twice from what i read on your previous thread.


time to move on or accept and play the game of open marriage?


but yeah didn't you wife already like ilybinilwy.

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yeah she said she loved me but not in love with me. She is all of a sudden working out all the time, eating right, tanning, getting hair done, and nails done.. she never did this when we were together.. I also recently found out after 7 weeks of knowing this guy they are telling each other they love one another... is this normal? Does this stuff really happen?

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Just remember. If this fantasy blows up in her face, you better have your big boy pants real close by because you just might get a phone call from her wailing, sobbing and blowing snot bubbles wanting to come back to you. Then you better have some steel in your back bone.

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Most of those guys on those dating apps just want to hit it and quit it. I seriously doubt that this guy wants to walk into a ready made family and take on responsibilities.

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yeah she said she loved me but not in love with me. She is all of a sudden working out all the time, eating right, tanning, getting hair done, and nails done.. she never did this when we were together.. I also recently found out after 7 weeks of knowing this guy they are telling each other they love one another... is this normal? Does this stuff really happen?


Let it go brother.


Easier said than done, I know. But fill your mind and time with other things. You should go work out, run, take up a hobby, join a new group, read a book.


All the time you spend thinking about what your ex is up to will just drive you mad. So fill that time with something else.

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Let it go brother.


Easier said than done, I know. But fill your mind and time with other things. You should go work out, run, take up a hobby, join a new group, read a book.


All the time you spend thinking about what your ex is up to will just drive you mad. So fill that time with something else.


buy a motorcycle.

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Thank you guys for all the advice I really appreciate it. I don't want her back, it is just that it is hard for me to see her move on before I have even found someone. I would love for her relationship to fail so she can ask me back and so I can tell her no.


Yes her real mom died but when I said parents I meant her real dad and her step mom. Her real dad and step mom argue all the time, barely like each other, cheat on each other, and have no sex life. I know this because my ex would tell me all this when we were together and her step mom would get drunk and spill the beans. They are also alcoholics and drink every day. Her real dad even went to jail for domestic abuse.. and yes I am sure she is filling her parents heads with all kinds of bad things about me just to justify herself.. she even punched me in the back of the head repeatedly one time when we were going through the divorce earlier in the process and then called the cops and told them I choked her when I didn't. I never asked my older daughter about this she came right out and told me without me asking that she saw my ex choking herself and then told my daughter "look what your dad did to me." ....


Punched you in the back of the head? Dude I would of spun around and UPPERCUTTED her for that. Women these days think they can do whatever they want to men and they have to sit and take it. I'm glad you didn't hit her back because I guarantee you people would of still saw her as the victim, it's one of the problems we have in this country.


Did the cops take you in because of her call? Also dude, GET YOUR KIDS AWAY FROM HER. As in, never ever let her around them again. A woman who calls the cops and lies about abuse and also chokes herself and lies to her kids about it..needs to be kept from the kids. Once they are 18 they can decide if they want this woman in their life, until then you honestly need to think about their safety and a woman like this is *not stable*. Have you taken any measures to try to get full custody?

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