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In limbo and dont' know what to do

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Here's my dilemma. I was dating someone on and off for a year. We broke up for many reasons, mainly our lifestyles didn't mesh, he wanted to party ALL the time with his friends, i wanted to sometimes but bottom line was he didn't make enough time for me. We've been broken up for a year. In the past few months we just started hanging out again, spending time together, sleeping together, etc. But haven't brought up anything about what it means etc. It took me a year to get over him, i'd finally let go of the certainty i had before that he was "the one". So it's strange cause i have no need or urge to have a "talk" about what it means or anything. I'm kind of enjoying it for what it is, a companion, someone to sleep with, etc. But people keep asking me if we're back together, and i hesitate to say yes, because i don't wnat to have to put a name to what we are right now. Is this a bad thing? I feel pressure from others to label our relationship, like to say either "we're back togethr" or "we're just hooking up". I guess my question is, are we just passing time until he meets someone or i meet someone? I jsut don't know a guy's point of view where you start hanging out a lot with your ex and sleeping with her, are you thinking you are dating? or just friends with priveleges?

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It sounds to me like you're just passing time and enjoying sex. Go for it and ignore others. Who the hell are they to ask for a definition of YOUR life??? Poop on them.


One day, when you get serious about things, you'll stop this foolishness and look for a meaningful relationship with someone you admire, have respect for, have lots in common with and who you can truly love for a lifetime.

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