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a few months ago i started talking to this guy over the net. over the months we became super close and i sent him this picture of this girl who wasn't me. before i got close to him i just figured it would be another guy i talked to on the net nothing different. but in fact i fell in love with him. i know that may sound very strange but somehow it happened. so all along he thought i was this other girl. so we made plans for him to come and see me and he's supposed to be here this week. so today i came online and sent him an email telling him the truth and sent him pics of the real me. it broke my heart b/c i lied to him and i know it will break his to. how do i make him see that i'm still the same girl he fell in love with? he's the only person i have ever felt this way about. it's just weird how we met. i don't know what to say to him or how to tell him how incredibly sorry i am for what happened. can anyone give me advice??

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You are NOT the same girl he fell in love with. He fell in love with an HONEST girl who looked just like the picture you first sent. Now he has to deal with a deceitful lady who mislead him for a long time who looks like the picture you recently sent him. Two different things entirely. He has been had and he knows it.


All this can be saved. But if he forgives you, is attracted to the real you and has sufficient depth to understand why you did this and understand why you sent this other picture then you have a saint on your hands.


The only thing you can say to him is what you have said here. If he is mature and forgiving, you may have a chance. But there are few people, men or women, mature or not, who will want to pursue a relationship with someone who made a fool out of them.


Write him, pour out your guts, apologize and hope for the best.


Also, go out and have a great picture taken of you for future use...and don't ever do this again. You're a much better person for this whole thing even though it doesn't seem that way now. I don't think you will ever be dishonest again.


If he doesn't forgive you, I certainly do.

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...i hope your real-life situation turns out as well as the ending of this movie. but do expect him to feel let down that you weren't honest with him, and even expect him to be pissed off.


i know i would be. too many people out there now play head games with others on the internet or lead them to believe they're something/someone they're not. it's not really fair now, is it?

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