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I Love You?

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When a guy tells you he loves you when he has had a few drinks, does it mean that he loves you?


Or what if he tells you this while he is completely sober and you don't know how to react so you just act like you didn't hear it because you are afraid that he said it by accident?


What does it mean when you question him about these incidents and he says that he doesn't love you, that he isn't capable of it or says that love takes time to develop or something that makes no sense what-so-ever?


What is it if you ask him why he doesn't and he gives you the "I can't believe that you would say that I don't love and care about you" look?


Most of all why is it that he will tell you things like "you are so very special to me", "you are important and mean so much to me", and "I can't imagine having you in my life" if he doesn't love you? Why does he believe that he is your soulmate/love of your life/knight in shinning amour? Is he fighting falling in love?


Why act as if you love someone and not say it? I swear I can look into his eyes and see how much he does or wants to love me back. Any advice for someone who was told "I'm falling for you" or "Don't doubt me and don't bet that I won't fall in love with you?"


Is this too much of a risk to take with an older divorced man with two children? Sometimes I think that certain experiences won't mean the same because he has already experienced them. (ie getting married, having children, etc.)


I'm driving myself crazy on this one!!!!!

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