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canceling a second date or hangout

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Hi everyone I need a little help please I met a girl at my work 3 months a go she came in a bought a computer from me. 2 weeks later she called the store and ask for me I was busy customer service took her phone and told he will call you back, I helped her after im done I told her if she need any further help she contact my phone from there we start talking and texting before we go out to dinner or mentioned going out she told me she busy person work school this life she's 29 years old and im 32 years old. it took me 3 weeks to make the plane and I did mentioned to her by texting I want to get to know her more we went to dinner everything went good we had so much fun and she mentioned to me that she's happy more then one time. we make planes to go watch hocky in 2 months in advance.. last week she finish her finals I text and call no answer but she text me back 3 days later and told me she were busy with her finals. she did ask me 2 times to go with her to yoga I told her it to hard for me, but realize I have to do it she we talk last week and plane to go on second date, so I text her asking her about her finals then she replay to me after 2 hours saying, I just got home from yoga and finals was ok so I told her nice I was thinking going to yoga with you. she answer me back telling (let me know when you ready), I said lets make a deal you go hinking with me I go yoga, she said nice we do it same day I said cool its a date its going to be fun she told me next week Tuesday or wendnesday better? I told her I will let you by tomorrow. so I text her back telling Tuesday good im off she said sounds good I will let you know Monday. cool I wait for her to text but she didn't so I text her back asking her are we ood for tomorrow Tuesday she replay to me saying ....( no sorry I have a lots of thing to do now I had cancel on another friend as well, I need to apply for school and im handling business right now I don't have much free time)... I didn't got made I said if you need any help in there for you.... she said thank you I appreciate..


my question is what should I do now? is she testing or what ? please help

than you all

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