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Sex has dried up

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I would guess the fact he visited a prostitute and she knows about it, is a pretty good reason for sex to dry up.


Except I think I said it had dried up a good while before that date? If I didn't then I meant to (just looked and I did, in so many words).


Also she isn't cheating on me, or if she is she should be a goddamn spy as she is insanely good at covering her tracks (as in, there are no gaps in her day that can't be accounted for, if she goes out for any length of time it is to run, and her Garmin then tracks her).


Off to see my counselor later, at least I can talk it out with a neutral party then.

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I'm in the same boat as you, ever since she had her Hysterectomy she hasn't been interested in sex at all. In fact she told me out of the 10 most important things in life, sex is like number 13. so that tells me not to even try. But the bad thing is we get along great we do things together and in general, things look great on the outside. But I find it really hard to sleep next to her and know I'm not wanted physically or desired. Like you I won't cheat because I really do have too much to lose but more important I'm not sure I could find someone I get along with as well as we do. I feel sex is very important but it is only a small part of a relationship.

We are in our early 60's but still it is hard. I like treating her like queen but also tired of giving and not getting anything back. I know this don't help you any but I just wanted you to know your not the only one with this problem BOTTOM LINE IT HARD TO SHOW LOVE WHEN NON IS RETURNED


Thank you, that did help.

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Sounds like an awful situation... but you really put yourself into it. You dated for many years and it doesn't sound like much has changed. She doesn't want to change anything and you accepted her, with her unwillingness to change. Why are you expecting something different now? Books, and therapy and whatever else are great suggestions, but she has to want to change something.

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