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How can i see him


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ME and my boyfriend meet in a chat room and have been dating for 4months now. We are from the same state but I had to go out of state because my parents had to leave for business purposes, so I just left to stay with my uncle until my parents get back. Anyway now after 4 long months of waiting my Mom finally decided that I can go back but just for a while just 10 days, so far so good but the problem is that I'm going to be staying with my aunt and she is very strict she doesn't like me around boys at all so it would be very hard for me to go out and see him. I relay don't know what to do we both waited for so long and it just hurts me a lot that I might not even get to see him at all during the time I go home back to NYC. I just need advice on what I can do to let me go out and just see him at least for just 2 hours that would be enough for me as long as I get to see him I don't care in how much trouble I will get. So please help me do u have any suggestions on what I could do to get out of the house.plese it's very important form me. I don't know how i would feel if i would not see him I'm already depressed over this whole situation i cant spend a day with out thinking about him and how I'm going to see him so plese help me

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Tell your aunt you are going into town to shop and browse through the stores. Absolutely do so but prearrange to run into your guy at some point and have lunch with him.


I don't know your age so it's sort of hard to make other recommendations. If you're too young to go downtown by yourself, arrange to meet your boyfriend right in the same area where your aunt lives. You can just go for a walk and arrange for him to be on a particular nearby corner so the two of you can talk.


There are ways.

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