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Confused about his American "friend"

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Originally posted by giltedgedgoblin

He did say the reason for their disapproval would be the premarital sex. I don't think she is religious but he said it's just not the done thing where she lives, although it's pretty much the norm here in the UK!!


I wouldn't have labelled him as a particularly weak person, although i do know the amount of information about me that he has divulged to his real family & other friends varies depending on the reaction he would have received. For example, he has told his friends i am a very wild and outrageously dressed girl as they would accept that, whereas his rather well spoken family probably wouldn't! He's told his family more about the "nice girl" side of me, which they approve of.


I kinda guess we all wear masks depending on who we're talking to. From what i know about him he comes across as a genuinely nice guy who wants to please everyone. Maybe he does simply want to maintain his "nice guy" image with his American friends. Maybe i'm too paranoid for my own good!


Bullsh*t. I am a girl who was born and raised in the South. If what he's saying is true there wouldn't be so damn many baby daddy's and baby mama's around who were unmarried. I was pregnant and unmarried just last year. Ain't no one here who said a damn thing to me 'cept "congratulations, sorry the baby's dad is such an ass". Premarital sex is FINE in the South. Everyone that I know does it. I have NO clue where that theory came from.


Interestingly enough I met a guy from the UK about 7 weeks ago. He's been visiting his Dad here where I live. And I often wonder if he has anything going on back in Scotland. But then again he invited me to visit him in 6 weeks and his mum knows about me.


BUT -- my exBoyfriend (american) - I stayed at his house, he stayed at mine, I met his Dad and his Mom and they all knew he and I were dating, but they also knew all the girls he cheated on me with and simply said nothing to me. So. You have a reason to be paranoid.

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I wouldn't have said he was embarrassed by me, and he certainly doesn't give the impression he's lowering himself by being with me - but yes, you're right, admitting you're sleeping with a married woman generally doesn't get a round of applause!


Point taken.

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