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Does she like me?


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There s this girl I ve been talking to about 2months already and I don t know if she like ke or not. We go to the same school and have 3 classes together. We often skype and talk in school. Yesterday, I was absent and the teacher assigned seat for us however she asked the teacher so that I could sit beside her. Today we were hanging out after school and when I was about to go home she said get home safely. Also last week before school starts I told her that I ll be leaving next hear and she seemed sad she said that she wants to go to school because of me and that if I don t go to school she don t want to go to school too. Every time I asked her to skype she always says yes. During summer she went to Japan and asked me if I want anything from Japan. Last but not least she is very comfortable around me. I think I kind of like her by not quite sure about my feelings. Finally she seems to care quite a lot for me I broke my arm and she told me if I m okay or not and said that she s worried about me. Also she likes to send me random sticker that say miss you to me. However she said that there's this guy she have been talking with for 2 years already.

PS. Sorry if my English suck. It isn t my first langue.

Would like to hear you guys opinion on this or advice!

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It sounds to me like she likes you very much! As long as she hasn't been telling you she has a crush on some other person, then I think you should just say, Hey, can I take you to the movie Saturday night? And then you pay and everything, pick her up, drop her off, and share popcorn and sit close and lean into her in the movie and see if she likes that. Good luck!

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what prerap said. I would advice you to read Nick Notas and look in the friendzone section. Everything this guy says is so true. Good luck.

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