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Found strange websites on BF's computer

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Should I be upset, I have been dating my bf for about 4 months, things have been going good, he lets me stay his house all the time and we have a great time 2gether.


The other day I was on his computer, and I was trying to locate a file that I download, I discovered on his computer some disturbing websites...They were Escort service's and personal ads. I don't know how to confront him about it, because I don't want to look like i was snooping on his computer.


Do you think this is something I should be concerned about, I'm very upset to see that he would go on these websites.


any advice please

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Are they current, and updated fairly recently? If he is actively working the personals, maybe you could tell him that you get the idea that he isn't as into the relationship as you thought, and tell him that you feel that you and he should see other people. If he asks why, then just say that you are aware of his personal ads online (no need to go into detail about how you know - if you do he'll trap you in an argument about 'snooping' - the issue isn't 'snooping', its that he is actively pursuing other women) and that you can't date a guy who is on the make for other women.


If he tries to turn the argument on you and make it about 'snooping', then just firmly say (as many times as necessary): "This isn't about my snooping, this is about you actively pursuing other women and I do not want to be involved with a guy who does that."


If he pushes the 'snooping' issue, leave and tell him that you'll talk to him when and ONLY when he's ready to address his 'pursuing other women' issues.

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