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Cheating Boyfriend?

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I've been with my boyfriend for 3 almost 4 years now. He's been a great boyfriend. I'm sometimes really bitchy and insecure, and he's always been there for me.



Recently, I noticed he sometimes closes his messages on gmail, or will seem like changes what he is looking at when I come to his computer, and just the other day, I found a 'in private browsing' window open (but no website loaded) on his computer.



I am not sure what to do.

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Idk, maybe he watches porno and was having a perverted discussion? What else does he do that you think may be signs of cheating?


How is your sex life? How does he treat you? Does he seem moody? Has anything else changed? The way he grooms himself? Started working out more? Does he lie about things?



I am always a pretty straight forward person. Have you confronted him about what he is doing? Why he hides chats? Why he uses private browsing? I use private browsing so no one can see that I search tranny porn. (wait, wat?) I just mean in general, sometimes it's not what we think it is. Everyone has secrets.

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Yea, most likely its just porn.


And allot of porn sites require registration, hence the need for Gmail.... also if you do sign up on porn sites, you can expect to get allot of sex related junk mail which he would not want you too see.


The thing to watch out for is that porn can sometimes be a sign he is not finding enough fulfillment in the relationship.


You could try confronting the issue head on by suggesting you would like to watch porn with him, and if you do that, he will no longer have any reason to be dishonest about it, unless he has some weird fetish??


Anyway, at the very least it will show him you are willing to 'spice things up' to improve the relationship, which any guy would appreciate allot!

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He doesn't hide his porn from me. I know he watches it from time to time, especially when I am on my period. I don't mind about porn.


Our sex life always seemed to be satisfying for both of us. I will ask him if he is satisfied I guess, or if he wants me to do any thing else (not that I can imagine there's much left for me to do).



He has been moody lately, but he changed jobs a few months ago, so I assumed it was that. He started dressing nicely for this job.. and no, he's always kept his self and his guy pretty well groomed.

Maybe I should just ask him.

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Could be kinky porn.


Though, not sure why he hides chat windows. I do that out of habit since I worked in a lab for 5 years a ton and often talked about things inappropriate for work.

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Space Ritual
I've been with my boyfriend for 3 almost 4 years now. He's been a great boyfriend. I'm sometimes really bitchy and insecure, and he's always been there for me.



Recently, I noticed he sometimes closes his messages on gmail, or will seem like changes what he is looking at when I come to his computer, and just the other day, I found a 'in private browsing' window open (but no website loaded) on his computer.



I am not sure what to do.



I would investigate further. Being you said in another post that you already know about his porn perusal, I would be a bit more concerned about the secrecy. and BEFORE you get all wishy washy about the Privacy issue I would submit to you that when people in relationships are hiding stuff that there is no way you can invade a person's privacy, only their secrecy. If I were you I'd be snooping like Frank Cannon looking for another free meal.

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Tonight I mentioned the private browsing window he left opened and he kind of ignored it, so I asked him what he was looking at that was so secret and he told me that it's a secret. So I pushed him more and he said he was going to hacking webpages (he is very good with computers/writes programs) and that he always uses private browsing for it.


I don't think he's lying. I didn't ask him about the chat windows yet, I think I will try to just see who he is talking to next time.

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I always use private browsing. For example... I would NEVER want my boyfriend to see my posts on LoveShack! ;) If this is the worst you have to deal with you are a lucky person.

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Tonight I mentioned the private browsing window he left opened and he kind of ignored it, so I asked him what he was looking at that was so secret and he told me that it's a secret. So I pushed him more and he said he was going to hacking webpages (he is very good with computers/writes programs) and that he always uses private browsing for it.


I don't think he's lying. I didn't ask him about the chat windows yet, I think I will try to just see who he is talking to next time.


He's going to "hacking" websites? So he is either a wannabe criminal or.....? What is it that he's "hacking"?

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