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I think TONY should get paid!

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Tony, If I was the holder of this web site, I would give you a good salary.Maybe if this web site could hire you and few other "experts", they could go public some day.


I work for an Investment Bank, just getting ideas!


You are good.

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Tony, if I become a millionaire one day, I'll pay you back for all the wonderful advice you've provided me.


But right now, being jobless, I can only say THANK YOUUUUU SOOOO MUCH!!!


I was thinking..maybe you could give us your address and we could all mail you a buck everytime you reply to our post. But then again, I'd worry about your safety because we've got some people here that don't agree with your replies sometimes.



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That's a real compliment coming from an Investment Banker. A few years ago I tried to take myself public...but I had to pay people to take the stock.


Some things just aren't mean to be.


Thanks so much for the very kind words.

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"But then again, I'd worry about your safety because we've got some people here that don't agree with your replies sometimes."


Oh, you could just mail your money to my post office box on the other side of town.


You are very sweet and I really do hope you make your millions one day...SOON!!!

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