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What do drunk late night phone calls mean...? sigh

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I have had no comment for three days so far from my ex. I was so proud of myself and even though I was a bit sad..and had anxiety from not contacting him I tried to keep myself very busy with friends during this time.


Saterday night I am home with my sister overdosing on mass amounts of dark chocolate (too much during heart break can make you emotional, delirous and happy).

He calls me at freaking 2:30 in the morning,,,,,drunk from being at a party with his family, and for the first time in what seems like forever he had a sweet tone of voice.

He said i was beautiful and missed having sex with me...and i said yes, sex with him was nice and tried to play it cool.

After we hang up my sister calls him back and leaves a nasty message on his phone to stop tring to contact me just to break my heart.

What does this phone call mean? He has a girlfriend who he dumped me for....two months ago. This is the first time in a long time he has been nice to me.

Oh well...i don't know what to make of it. Can someone help me decifer whats going on here?

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It means that he thought of you, and the alcohol impaired his understanding of the sensitivity of the situation. It didn't occur to him that it should matter if he calls you, or that you'd feel one way or another about it. He just had the random impulse to call you and tell you something completely insignificant. Don't read into it too much... it doesn't mean anything. Just pretend like it didn't happen, because it doesn't matter anyway.


Trust me, I had too much to drink one night and happened to run into my ex. With absolutely no sensitivity to the situation, I invited her to come hang out with me and a girl I was casually seeing. I think I threw her for a loop, but I had no idea that I was crossing any lines at the moment. It was stupid, and it didn't mean anything.

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You answered you own question.


It means he didn't pick up that night and he just misses the sex. He might have even thought he could get a chance with you again just one more time. (Weird how guys think like that even after both of you have split up).


Guess he musn't have been that drunk if he still had a sweet tone in his voice over the phone. Sorry. :laugh:. Lol.


Still... Never ever fall for these phone calls and break no contact it will only lead to more hurt and confusion.

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