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trying to move on but feeling lonely feel like breaking NC


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Well guys I have posted here before and found loveshack a great help anyway was friends with my ex and dated for two month it was a long distance relationship we knew each other for ten months before hand , and I was treated quite badly towards the end which left me gutted she strung me along played games.


Altho I'm doing loads of great things to keep busy and move on I learned to forgive rather to carry around a load of hate against this person,I still finding that I watch my phone sometimes now I don't look for her online , I'm finding that I'm missing her more and more everyday I started strict NC 4 weeks ago I thought I was doing great then all of a sudden it hit me bammmm that I may never see her again or speak to her again. I feel like breaking NC to reach out, but then I pull back I'm so confused my head is in a mess and when I'm alone I often cry sometimes I don't know why this lady has a hold on me still 4 weeks of NC .


I feeling very down and out today

So just thought I share on what I'm feeling.



Edited by biggles6087
correct spelling
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Friend you are not alone, i myself am 2 weeks into NC and the breal up was 3 weeks ago, i ask myself if i ever going to see her again of talk to her and for the better i keep saying no to myself.


sure i cry aswell yes i think about her more than i like to admit,

But you know she broke up with me, the way i see it it is her lost not mine.

It sucks, it hurts, its afwul but im feeling better than i did on the first day of NC i know im going to be better and i will find someone who is willing to make it work and im sure you will aswell stay strong its the only way cry if you must, i often go for a run and the anger and sadness goes away plus it gets me in shape too.

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Friend you are not alone, i myself am 2 weeks into NC and the breal up was 3 weeks ago, i ask myself if i ever going to see her again of talk to her and for the better i keep saying no to myself.


sure i cry aswell yes i think about her more than i like to admit,

But you know she broke up with me, the way i see it it is her lost not mine.

It sucks, it hurts, its afwul but im feeling better than i did on the first day of NC i know im going to be better and i will find someone who is willing to make it work and im sure you will aswell stay strong its the only way cry if you must, i often go for a run and the anger and sadness goes away plus it gets me in shape too.



Thanks for your reply even when I'm chatting to new girls I just cannot stop thinking about her,I'm finding the weekend the worst as my mates are all married so it is hard to meet up with them.I have been through break ups before but this is killing me.

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Thanks for your reply even when I'm chatting to new girls I just cannot stop thinking about her,I'm finding the weekend the worst as my mates are all married so it is hard to meet up with them.I have been through break ups before but this is killing me.




It's only been 4 weeks, so you're going to feel rotten for a bit. STAY NC so you can heal and move on. You met her and you'll meet someone even better.

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Well guys I have posted here before and found loveshack a great help anyway was friends with my ex and dated for two month it was a long distance relationship we knew each other for ten months before hand , and I was treated quite badly towards the end which left me gutted she strung me along played games.


Altho I'm doing loads of great things to keep busy and move on I learned to forgive rather to carry around a load of hate against this person,I still finding that I watch my phone sometimes now I don't look for her online , I'm finding that I'm missing her more and more everyday I started strict NC 4 weeks ago I thought I was doing great then all of a sudden it hit me bammmm that I may never see her again or speak to her again. I feel like breaking NC to reach out, but then I pull back I'm so confused my head is in a mess and when I'm alone I often cry sometimes I don't know why this lady has a hold on me still 4 weeks of NC .


I feeling very down and out today

So just thought I share on what I'm feeling.





Give yourself time. My relationship ended in May and I'm honestly just in the past month or so gotten to a place where I don't care about seeing/contacting my ex at all. But in May and June? I thought I was dying. I had to pace around my apt for hours at a time to fight the urge. What really helped was working out and writing my feelings in a journal. It will distract you from actually reaching out but you'll still be able to release all of that sadness and anger. And then eventually, you'll look back on those old entries and laugh because it won't mean anything to you anymore.

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Thanks for all the advice guys had awful weekend but not to bad today hank god,nearly broke NC but managed to stop myself heading out with my mates next weekend looking forward to that.

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Trust me, you're not alone. I am over 2 months NC and was doing great and then BAM, the emotions hit me all over again. I was feeling much much better and I don't know where these thoughts/emotions came from. I keep thinking about him constantly and him with another girl just makes me extremely sad. I'm actually tired of this feeling and really want to get to a place where I no longer think about him or care. I want this feeling to end. I wish there was a way to erase memories!

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If you want incentive to not break NC,


I broke NC yesterday and now my ex wants a restraining order apparently.



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If you are lonely, engage more with the people around you. Take an interest in people. Ask them how they are. Wish them a nice day and mean it. If you make loving kindness, a part of every interaction, you won't feel lonely for long.


Ten things that make people happier:


Do things for others

Connect with people

Take care of your body

Notice the world around you

Keep learning new things

Have goals to look forward to

Find ways to bounce back from difficulties

Take a positive approach

Become comfortable with who you are

Be part of something bigger that gives you purpose and meaning in life

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Thank you everyone I think I'm missing her friendship even more we used to have some great laughs and chats I can't believe it ended up like this and we became enemies I new her for 11 months before hand I know it is a silly question to ask but do people think that forgiveness is a weakness?.

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