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Is this weird or what?

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Hey everyone, Let me know what you think of my situation, I've been dating this great guy for seven months now, he's 41 I'm 24. He and I are very much in love, but I'm constanly getting these hints off of him that he may be or is planning to cheat on me.


He and I don't do much together, well we go out within our one mile radius, he says he drives all week and does not want to do much on week-ends. Were in bed everynight, even week-ends by 10pm. I can't get drunk with him, noooo way, he'd have a fit. But he tells everyone we know how much he loves me.


The reason I'm upset is he and his buddy are planning a trip to Las Vegas for 5 days, he says he wants to spend time with him. I should also mentio our sex life is weird, he never initiats it and always needs to be watching TV when I initiate it, he's never turned on by my sext advances and if I show him my lingerie or sexxy photos of me he gets angry.


What worries me the most is, I noticed on his computer lately that he has been going onto a lot of porn sies, especially gay/lesbian ones, this really scares me. He refuses to admit to this and says I'm the one looking at them.


What so you think of all of this, Help me outplease. :(

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... and you want to stay with him because...?


I see every reason to leave from your post, and not a single reason you should stay.

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Originally posted by stilla47

he's 41 I'm 24. He and I are very much in love, but I'm constanly getting these hints off of him that he may be or is planning to cheat on me.


... But he tells everyone we know how much he loves me.




Read those first three lines again. Do you see the contradiction there? It's like saying "I trust my friend very much, but he carries a lot of daggers and is constantly taking swings at my head..." Not a very logical path you're dragging your self down there.


The age difference alone is a red flag. Now, you may be the most sophisticated, well-employed, incredibly well-spoken 24-year old ever, but odds are - he's a few sandwiches shy of a full picnic basket to be dating someone that much younger than him. There is a reason he either (a) cannot date women his age, or (b) is afraid to. You are perceptive enough to tune in on that, even if you don't know yet what channel you're recieving. RUN - don't WALK, RUN Away!!!


Finally, he tells everyone he loves you.




Love is a verb. It's an action. An ongoing series of them actually, involving mutual respect and courtesy. It is not a Harlequen novel sweeping away of all logic and senses. Does he demonstrate respect, courtesy, care for your greater good, needs, and desires? Does he put your feelings above and before his own? Again, RUN.


Finally, I could tell everyone you know that I am a millionaire. That doesn't make it so. That just makes it something I say a lot.

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Finally, I could tell everyone you know that I am a millionaire. That doesn't make it so. That just makes it something I say a lot.


I like that...uh interesting :cool:

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Originally posted by New_Wife

Read those first three lines again. Do you see the contradiction there? It's like saying "I trust my friend very much, but he carries a lot of daggers and is constantly taking swings at my head..." Not a very logical path you're dragging your self down there.


The age difference alone is a red flag. Now, you may be the most sophisticated, well-employed, incredibly well-spoken 24-year old ever, but odds are - he's a few sandwiches shy of a full picnic basket to be dating someone that much younger than him. There is a reason he either (a) cannot date women his age, or (b) is afraid to. You are perceptive enough to tune in on that, even if you don't know yet what channel you're recieving. RUN - don't WALK, RUN Away!!!


Finally, he tells everyone he loves you.




Love is a verb. It's an action. An ongoing series of them actually, involving mutual respect and courtesy. It is not a Harlequen novel sweeping away of all logic and senses. Does he demonstrate respect, courtesy, care for your greater good, needs, and desires? Does he put your feelings above and before his own? Again, RUN.


Finally, I could tell everyone you know that I am a millionaire. That doesn't make it so. That just makes it something I say a lot.

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Your reply was very helpful, it certainly helps me put things into perspective.Thanks again

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This is not right. Dump him.


The other poster was right. Actions speak louder than words. What does he do to prove he loves you???


And accusing YOU of being on the porn site. Come on. How immature.

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