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Not sure how to handle this: He says he'll contact me but doesn't

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:laugh: This is why I have a heavy bag in my garage.


You can do it, put yer back into it!

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man - i just have bad luck - why oh why

worked out last night, read, went to bed early, woke up in a great mood, having a good day


then my coworker (his old ex) just comes over to talk to the woman in front of me all giggly "Oh just talked to X (the guy) and he told me he just got approved to buy a house, blah blah. We are back to being friends like we use to be isn't that cool" I think she is visiting him at his desk everyday. She's living with a dude and practically married. I don't want to hear about it though. She has to start talking to him now?


Yeah great - sorry needed to post and vent - all the crappy feelings just came back in a huge wave - i guess i'm just writing here instead of to him because i really feel like saying something to him - so mad

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write away, m'love. Better to vent here than make an ass out of yourself on email. (which can and does happen frequently).


Whatever, she's just a ho. :p Nah, for real though - you are doing good. There will be minor setbacks but I promise, take some deep breaths, take in your surroundings, feel the ground underneath your feet and the chair underneath your ass and your hands touching the arms of your chair. There....all grounded again. ;)


I'm rootin' fer ya.

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lol - thanks :)

i'm sure everyone is sick of hearing about it but damn i'm pissed, hurt, and embarassed and just need to let it out


yeah - I'm done making an ass out of myself - I refuse to anymore - that's what i've basically been doing for 5 months - even though i really want to you are right the best thing is not to say anything to him about his current disappearing act - i just really have to be strong this time - especially over the weekend


ok - grounded again - breath in breath out

i think i'll have another piece of Nicorette

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