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Did i do something wrong?

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I have this friend who i used to hang out with but since i started medical school ive been so crazy busy no life that we havent hung out but she understood because she wants to do the same program. Once i finished my semester i reached out to her and told her im finally free and so need to hang out and go out to enjoy summer time off. She would respond with oh yea we do yess!! but it would just stay like that she wouldnt really follow through, so i would say hey lets go to the beach this week when your off work, she would do the same and say omg yess we need to blah blah, so i would ask her when she is off so we can hang out but she never answered back. Then she would post stuff on her snap chat and instagram going out to the beach with other friends and going out etc.. which it never bothered me really i was just like aww thats awesome and would like her pics and stuff.


Now i was invited to go out of town to some theme parks etc.. by two of my classmates from school, we have actually been planning this road trip since mid semester and we went. we had a very nice time, and it was well deserved i believe after all the hard work and horrible stress that comes with medical school.


but anyway, i posted 1 picture of me and my classmates on our trip and my friend from earlier responded with thank you for the invite....


was i wrong for not inviting her?? I tried calling and texting her wayyyy before that and she would never respond to hang out...she made me feel like i was so rude...


what do you guys think? Did i do something wrong? I tried texting her once i got back from my trip to hang out for my bday but she never answered.Now if i go out with some other friends for my bday most likely she will get so mad at me and i dont get it, she has her own friends and they go out every day almost and i dont mind any advice?

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Michelle ma Belle

Nope. As far as I'm concerned you did all that any good friend would do so there is nothing to feel guilty about whatsoever.


I've known many people like her. They're always game initially but rarely commit to anything and even more rare that they ever initiate something. The fact that she's so oblivious to how her actions (or inaction) are affecting you but is quick to point out yours is just f*cked up and speaks volumes regarding the kind of person she appears to be these days.


Is that who you want to call a friend? Friendship is a two-way street. Period.


At this point you may want to rethink your friendship with her altogether. Rather than spend more time and energy trying to make it work with someone who doesn't see you as a priority, concentrate on nurturing those friendships that do.


Sometimes growing up and getting older means we have to make hard decisions and that includes ending friendships that aren't reciprocal.


Good luck.

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Seems like you are the one who is more mature. If you've reached out to her and she fails to follow through, it's her choice/fault for whatever reason to not communicate back. Ignoring someone because you are upset, while common for many to day, it still doesn't solve or improve a situation. I actually think it's great you don't mind her doing stuff either, well I should say that you don't react in the same way as her that is mostly reminiscent of jealousy. I truly believe people who can genuinely be happy for others are also much happier individuals themselves. While it's sad to see a former friend react this way, it's unfortunately how things end up at time. Enjoy your time alone as well as with those who wish to be a part of your life.

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