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Getting the last word, tactfully


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I am seeing a guy, and he has basically flaked out on me. Thats fine. I can deal with that. After numerous un-returned pages, I want to send him a text message....just to have the last word. I want to let him know he didn't get the best of me (he didn't, really), and not let him feel like he won, so to say. Any ideas? Anything I come up with sounds like I am hung up on him. I AM NOT!!!! Help!!!

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The only way you can really have the last word is by just by no words at all. Stop calling him. Don't leave another message. Not one more! Him wondering why you stopped calling and trying to get in touch with him all of a sudden is sooooooooo much better than you saying anything at all.


"Anything I come up with sounds like I am hung up on him. I AM NOT!!!!"


The only way you won't sound hung up on him is if you act like this doesn't bother you and not call him again.

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hi Crystal,


silence is definitely the most effective last word.


if you message him or call him, he's not going to see it as you having the last word. he's going to see it as you doing anything you can to talk to him. he'll see you as someone who can't let go. he will probably get annoyed and what will progress from his annoyance is a never-ending desire to have the last word after every message or phone conversation.


the silent treatment is a lot more powerful than witty or well thought out last words.


if you have this nagging urge to contact him, don't give in to it. instead, write down what you would like to say him and read it out to a friend or to yourself as though he was there. but don't give in and contact him. it'll probably do nothing more than stroke his ego if you did.


trust me, he sounds like the kind of guy you wouldn't want to waste your breath on anyway.

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Miss Mojo is totally right. I never really gave it much thought but silence will get a person faster than anything else.


She has really hit on something here. I urge you to follow what she says.

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