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Wassup with this male behavior

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I keep on running into guys who appear interested, send all the signals... but seem to take pleasure in trying to make me declare my interest first. With a wink of an eye and a charming smile they say things like "would you like to tell me something?" or "Why are you smiling" or "Is there anything else i should know!!" Ang i got this kind of reaction from different guys. For example, my last date went really well and the guy said at the end of the evening "so your going to email-me tomorrow?"


So what's up with that ? So are these guys just playing with me ? Or do they have extremely big egos and are too proud to reveal their feelings first.


And sometimes when i do put my foot forward first, the guys dont follow-up. The very same guys that made me reveal myself and were super charming!!


I wish they would pursue me instead of putting me in a situation where i become the pursuer. Dont you guys like to chase anyway? And dont you know we like to be seduced? So why not assume the job!!


Disouraged... & need some answers



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When they ask:

say things like "would you like to tell me something?"

Say "No, do you?"

or "Why are you smiling"

No reason.

or "Is there anything else i should know!!"

No, why?

"so your going to email-me tomorrow?"

Sure, I'll try to.




Yes, guys still like doing the chasing. And girls (myself included) love being chased. But how can a guy really chase you if you tell him upfront how you feel or if you like him? Wait until he tells you first. Keep him on his toes.


Don't be too nice or too sweet or too clingy or too quick about telling him you like him. Even if he asks. Especially when he asks. Brush him off every now and then. Make sure he sees that you're not pressed over him. Act uninterested at times. Wait until you have a pretty good feeling about what he thinks of you.

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There are two sides to this. You know a lot of guys get the same treatment you get when they show too much interest. It's happened to me recently, when I made the mistake of showing I liked a girl too early. I did this because she seemed like the type who prefered the honest approach, but I was wrong. Oh well.


Dating by itself is a game, and these are the parts where you win the points. Controlling your emotions is part of winning. Sounds really dumb and immature to play these games,but it looks like none of us have a choice but to play by these rules.


Personally, I'd love to meet a woman I can look in the eye and say "I really like you." and have her simply accept that fact without her thinking I'm desperate or getting a swelled ego. But that's life :(

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hi maffy,


i noted your comment:


Personally, I'd love to meet a woman I can look in the eye and say "I really like you." and have her simply accept that fact without her thinking I'm desperate or getting a swelled ego. But that's life :(


don't despair, i know a lot of girls who wouldn't think of a comment like that as desperate or fulfilling to the ego. most girls i know (including myself), would be humbly flattered, and probably blush at such a compliment.


that's life for some girls out there, but not for a lot i know. and besides, if you were to meet a girl who's ego swelled at a compliment like that, wouldn't that be an instant turn-off? it sure is for me when i meet guys like that.



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