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dumped after 2 1/2yrs will he regret it?


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my ex boyfriend broke up with me just over 2 weeks ago. he said he couldnt see a future with me. i found out that last weekend hed been going round to see my mum. he got on really well with the family and told them he doesnt want them all to fall out. we have not had any contact, apart from he told me he missed me too n he was sorry he couldnt see us working out.

Iwent out last friday for a drink with my friend and i got a tap on the shoulder i turned around and he was there. he said "so....are you ok?" i jsut replied with im doin ok" we chatted a little bit and he said il let you get back to you r friend so we said bye and carried on being out with our friends. He told me he just wants to be on his own for a while, and i know hes been out alot of the two weeks we've split with his mates. do you think he knows what he actually wants? And do you think he will have any regrets?

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One can not say for sure because you did not say why the relationship ended. I will say try not to feel bad if you had a good relationship but it did not work out. You have to accept that he does not want to be in this relationship and try to move forward without him. It is going to be hard and painful. I really feel your pain but he must have really cared about you to stay for 2 years. So you are not a failure. Lots and Lots of relationship do not last that long.


If you really want to test his love for you..Leave him alone. Maybe your distance may lead to him realizing he does not want to live without babe.


In the meantime, Please,do not sit at home waiting by the phone,

Do not stay in the house being depressed.

there is a big world out there.

Go enjoy life.

treat yourself

Make more friends

Find other men to talk to even if they are just friends

Do all you can to keep from falling apart

Believe me,....he is not at home crying over you......why should you. He put just as much time into the relationship. If he can move forward....so can you...BE STRONG

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do you think he knows what he actually wants? And do you think he will have any regrets?


Its pretty clear that he knows what he wants. Right now, he knows that he does not want a relationship with you. I expect any regret he had was already resolved by the time he broke up with you.


Ironically, the only chance you have of getting him back is to get over him and the relationship.


Be friendly, but not friends. If that is too hard, enforce some 'no contact' for yourself to set aside unbiased and uninterrupted time to heal. Try not to read hopeful signs where none exist. Wishful thinking can be an evil thing. Try to move on, and grow past this. If he comes back, he will not want to come back to the relationship he left, but he may want to come back to the stronger, more secure woman you will become through your healing/learning process - and thus able to have a new and different (and stronger, from lessons learned) relationship with him.

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thankyou so much for your replies. we were together for 2 and a half years, a really good relationship, we argued quite a bit towards the end because i was frightened he was getting bored of me becuase he didnt want to spend as much time with me. i became very insecure and was frightened of losing him, i think maybe i pushed him away. All the signs were there to me that he was getting fed up, probably form the arguements. We argued that he didnt want me near him if he was out with his new friends he didnt want me to meet them. i asked him alot about why this was and he never has the answers for me, which made me insecure. We had a great relationship, got on great, he took me to cyprus to meet all his family in septmember. Im not holding onto any hope because right now i think hes happy with his choice and i feel maybe he wanted this for a while. just miss him. x

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