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Is he avoiding me?

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So theres this guy i met at a party the other week and we got on so well and he started texting a few days after the party and we have been talking quite a bit, i said the other day did he want to hang out and he was like 'i don't know' because apparently he has a lot on at the moment so he will let me know when he's free, and i felt really confused about that because if it was the other way around i would have definitely made time for him but anyways i text back and said we don't have too and he was like yeah i want to but i just have heaps on at the moment. And we haven't talked since!


So is he being legit or is he avoiding hanging out with me?? Please help??

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If a guy truly likes you then he will find the time to see you. The fact that you asked and he said he had alot going on is just his way of saying he's not that interested in you. If I were you I wouldn't make him a priority and be hopeful that he wants to go out with you. Don't ask him out again, don't text him everyday. If he wants to see you he will ask you going forward. Sucks I know.

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