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bored at work

you must have read the message posted before yours huh. Well if a guy is insecure he will be the one showing the signs. The female may not know it is insecurity but she can tell that something is wrong. Only after identifying it as security does she show signs of knowing. Hopefully she speaks up about, otherwise she will give negative signs of knowing such as giving up the relationship or giving in and feeding in to his insecurities.

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Women are EXTREMELY intuitive by their nature. They will know if you're insecure, nervous, cheating on her, etc. Or at least they will have a good feeling for those.


I think rather than ask this question, if you are feeling insecure you should get help for this. It's roots are in low self-esteem and usually starts in childhood. It's not something that women are attracted to over time. Among the TOP qualities a woman looks for in a man are confidence and high esteem. If her guy has low esteem for himself, the woman is naturally going to wonder how she can feel great about him if he doesn't feel great about himself.


So either go read some books on self esteem (a good author is Nathaniel Branden), buy some tapes on the subject (you can get all these at a good bookstore) or seek counselling.


But you can bet your lady will see this insecurity and be turned off by it once she ascertains it's not a temporary thing.

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Trust me James, if you're insecure, your girl will KNOW so.


And one major sign of her knowing this is that she will just end up leaving you very soon if you don't do anything about it. Girls don't like insecure guys at all. We like CONFIDENT guys.

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