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Do you masterbate?

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Hey everyone. My husband and I got married last month and we've discussed the topic of masterbation a couple of times. I have never masterbated before and honestly don't plan to since my husband does a wonderful job with pleasing me and always has. So I'm interested to know if any women on here masterbate or don't and your reasoning for doing it or not doing it. Thanks in advance! And guys, you can add your input as well :)

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Hey everyone. My husband and I got married last month and we've discussed the topic of masterbation a couple of times. I have never masterbated before and honestly don't plan to since my husband does a wonderful job with pleasing me and always has. So I'm interested to know if any women on here masterbate or don't and your reasoning for doing it or not doing it. Thanks in advance! And guys, you can add your input as well :)

I masturbate. I didn't always master bate though, I thought that if I didn't sex would be pleasurable and I could orgasm. Turns out that my inorgasmia had more to do with having been raped of my virginity at 14, and having a small clitoris.


Anyways, I had to figure out how to make myself climax because I had no idea what I liked


Up until recently I would only masturbate by stimulating my clitoris. I honestly have no clue how to get off by fingering, but I use a vibrator for penetration.


I masturbate because if I don't make myself orgasm no one will. It's a sad thing to say since I'm married, but it's the truth.


My husband was not so excited when I got a vibrator he didn't want me to penetrate myself with it and for awhile I didn't until I realized he wasn't helping by restricting how I masturbate.


So I started penetrating and I told him the orgasms were great. He says to me, "Now I can have sex with you and not have to worry about getting you to orgasm."


I wasn't aware he was worried since 99.9% of the time we have sex he comes and then goes to sleep. He puts zero effort into getting me off, he think's foreplay is touching my butt in the kitchen two days before having sex with me. He's offended if I use lubricant and really turned off by using toys.


I tried getting him to use a toy during sex and he frowned the whole time and sighed ughh. It's sad I cry about it often because it is very apparent my sexual pleasure isn't important to him.


We've talked about it soooo many times and he claims he cares about my satisfaction but his actions show he doesn't. I put up with it because it's been like this since I met him so I knew what I was getting myself into, and other than the sex he is an amazing husband and I'm happy and in love.


Every relationship I've been in before him have been abusive,(sexual,emotional,physical,psychological) so I am so grateful that he isn't an abusive *******.


Anyways, this is really long but pretty much I masturbate to keep my lady parts healthy, to reduce stress, to orgasm, sometimes to help me go to sleep.

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Yep I do. Usually daily. Have since I was a teenager!


Perhaps a bit less often when I was in the "honeymoon" years, but still fairly often.


As for why- I enjoy it! Maybe it's even a "habit" but I like to come twice a day, and it's not always feasible, or even desirable to have sex twice a day.


But I like to before I go to sleep - helps me fall into a great deep sleep. I like an orgasm to start the day! Great way to get my blood pumping before my early morning shower.


And by this point I know my self pretty damn well, and I find it enhances my sex life as it seems to allow me to come easier, more often, and harder.


I am fan- oh, and I really don't use any toys or other "props" ;)

Edited by RecentChange
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Yeah, quite frequently, but not recently. I use to masturbate during the day or when I was alone, but since I have a newborn catching up on sleep tends to win out, lol. When I was pregnant my sex drive went through the roof, and I was masturbating every damn day, several times a day.


We have a healthy sex life, and my SO always fingers me, and it feels soooo wonderful. But I have been masturbating long enough that when I pleasure myself it's an experience unto its own.


Plus its fun, and a great way to pass the time when I am bored. :)

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Everyone masterbates for the massive dopamine hit to your brain. Then you can roll over and sleep well. Organisms can be much more intense as the toys out there are engineered for pleasure.

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I remember being three years old and humping a pillow so - yes - I learned to masturbate quite young.


I've been pleasuring myself ever since and have now lived into my fifth decade so I can't imagine I will ever stop masturbating.

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Yes, every day. :) I have a lot of partnered sex but I find that I still need to masturbate to fill in any gaps (I can't do without for very long at all) and also it helps to put you in touch with your sensuality and knowing what pleases you. It's also a really good way to experiment and to learn how to push your boundaries. (I learned how to be an extreme multiples girl thru masturbation.)


If I ever have any idle time lasting longer than an hour or so I'll usually wind up playing. It's bscly unavoidable. :D

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Yep, I enjoy my solo time immensely; makes me feel very feminine and I wouldn't give it up for anything. It's a complete turn-on for the BF as well, he loves asking about it and see what he could 'learn' from it, which is a very welcome added bonus :).

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The view that only sexually unsatisfied people masturbate is outdated and flat out wrong, masturbation is healthy (except in extreme cases) and a safe way to explore your body and fantasies, it means nothing in terms of sexual satisfaction and if you have never masturbated before I sugest you try it.

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