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PORN, so sick of it, guys dont care!!!

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You can not rid the man of biological desire, you can only repress. Which only leads to the question....is it safe to repress the sexual desires of a man?

There are many examples of repression having a negetive effect sexually....

Catholic church priests....men who rape...men who express their tension through pysical violence....cheating...the list goes on.


I would have to agree with you. I think there is ample evidence to show that repressing sexuality can do more harm than good. The Catholic priests are one such example, but another I example might be the Victorian age, an era in which public display of sexuality was notoriously taboo. That didn't keep men, or women for that matter, from having discreet affairs. Couples philandered all the time back then, simply because they couldn't deal with suppressing their sexuality for so long.

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I think it's a bit degrading to men to just say "well, men are like cavemen so there's nothing we can do". While I do believe we as humans retain instincts, we have still evolved and are NOT cavemen because we've developed the ability to control our actions. Just because a man might instinctively notice another woman on the street because his caveman instincts spotted her child-bearing hips doesn't mean he can't control the act of purposely seeking out porn. You make it sound like they have no choice. They do. just because a guy likes something doesn't mean he has to act on it and doesn't mean we as women shouldn't be upset by it when they do act on it. Enjoying something is not always an excuse to just accept it.


And if you compare men to cavemen-like instincts, then we should do the same for ourselves as women. Women too are prewired to notice things about men that would make a good "mate". Sure, we all notice a guy with nice toned muscles on the street but going by your theory, we should all also be secretly fantasizing about strong, rough, macho, manly men who will be able to protect us and produce strong children! Or something like that. But do you? Because I don't. Not only because I couldn't possibly be more turned OFF by macho men but also because, I don't fantasize about other guys.


I don't think porn is necessarily bad but I'm sorry, I would never patronize my fiance by telling him "it's okay if you watch porn because you can't control your unevolved caveman instincts."

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Men are not biologically destined to watch porn, thats just some crap to blame it on biology to rid the men of his responsibility...both women and men can control there sexual urges and if they cant then they shouldnt have a serious relationship with anyone and should stick to one night stands.

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But then again....I am just a peep show dancer ....what do I know about men


Cleverbird....join up Loveshack properly! Become a member, and start a thread on this. It would be fantastic to get more of a view from women who actually work in the sex industry.


(no pun intended re "more of a view")

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The bottom line is, would you rather have your boyfriend/husband look at porn...jack off....release himself from his bological angst, or repress his needs and risk having him cheat on you or worse?



This sounds like bribery either let him do it or he will cheat.If men realy cared about there partner would they really cheat if they dont look at porn.My boyfriend doesnt look anymore does that mean he will?

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This sounds like bribery either let him do it or he will cheat.If men realy cared about there partner would they really cheat if they dont look at porn.My boyfriend doesnt look anymore does that mean he will?


Absolutely not.


I think that porn is a part of our culture, like it or not. Some people are going to use it to stimulate their sex drive, while others are going to be repulsed by it. I think this is all a part of the search for compatibility, and finding two people with similar attitudes. People in a relationship have to communicate about these matters. There is likely to be some kind of disagreement over this issue, but some disagreement's okay as long as two people can have a civil discussion about it, and find some kind of mutual understanding...and then stick to that understanding. If you're dead-set repulsed by porn and your companion is the kind of guy who absolutely has to go out to a tittie bar once in a while...you've got problems. It just depends on the two people in the relationship.


Me, personally? I like watching women in bikinis and I have my own fetishes, some of which I occasionally fish out on the net. I find it hard to believe those desires will ever completely go away, but I also understand that there are always two people in a relationship and that anything I get off on should be shared with my partner. That said, I've never really been into hardcore porn or anything like that. I don't think that porn is evil, provided that the people making the porn are of age and that it's completely consensual.

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One thing that bothers me is that if people have to watch porn so that they can get turned on enough to actually sleep with there partner doesnt that mean there is issues?


Ok if porn was banned altogether would that mean every man would cheat?In a way i think its bit of a lame excuse to use so that people will let there partners watch porn.My boyfriend doesnt watch porn now.If he cheats on me he can get on his bike.No amount of saying well you didnt let me watch porn rubbish is ever going to be an excuse for him cheating. :mad:



Ok ive got a question.Is it ok if a man gets a pic sent to his phone of a women naked.I dont mean them ones from magazines i mean from say from a girl on the internet?

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