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**how can I get his attention ?**

Niki 62

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I have just registered in this forum with the hope if I can get your advice for my problem.


I am not going to details and to make the story short

I love a guy that all I know about him is his workplace.

I know in my age it sounds crazy but everyday I go there near his building just to meet him at the time he finished his work and comes out from the building.


I was thinking if he looked around I will smile and show that I am interested but he never looks.I have to mention he is not a stranger I knew him before but at that time he was not my friend.


Please tell me if you know what should I do to get his attention ? I am very upset.

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If all you know about him is his work you may have to make the 1st move. Ask him for a drink to catch up.

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Do you know if he is single? You say he is not a stranger and all you know about him is his workplace, but then go on to say you knew him before. I'm a bit confused. How do you know him?


I suppose you could try to strike up a conversation with him, but a little more information about him would be helpful so we can give you better suggestions.

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You know, we are at an interesting point in time where we are moving from traditional customs to more progressive ones.


Every woman is fine making moves on men...but still to this day I've never been asked out by a woman. I would probably be shocked to death if it happened, but I don't think I'd consider it a turn-off.


I'd say go for it. You're going to have to make the move.

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If I were you I'd make your move pretty quickly, before he starts wondering why you're stalking him at work every day.

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