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boyfriend hanging out with an old friend. he invited me should i go?

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My boyfriend's good female friend from high school suddenly appeared again in his life. There is nothing going on between them. They speak very rarely on the phone and never hang out together. I have come to terms with the fact no matter how much i feel threatened by this girl that i don't know, its inevitable that they are going to talk on the phone or what not. What i haven't come to terms with is the fact that they might eventually hang out on some random occasion. Well, this apparently has come up. My boyfriend told me that his friend wants to hang out with him this upcoming weekend, and he mentioned that WE should hang out with her. Yes, i am relieved because he at least included me in his plans and didn't do it behind my back, but i still have this twinge of jealousy there. So that same night i ask him "does your friend know I'm coming along or am i just going to be some unexpected guest?" he just smiled at me and said "why are you hating?" My main question is should i go with him? i mean i would extremely awkward to be around them because they would be re mincing about the past.

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his wording makes me think he's up to something.


i think he is enjoying making you jealous.


that's not cool.


i wouldn't go. find an old male friend from high school and hang out with him instead.

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He asked you to go, so go. I've had guy friends and because I loved my boyfriend, I wanted them to meet him and this great guy that I had. I thought "Hey, they might have something in common!" And it turns out they did.


Don't play games with him and hang out with an old flame of yours. Be you man's friend and hang out with him and get to know his old friend. You might find out a funny story or two about him.


His words are not misleading, they are honest coming from a guy. We girls over analyze everything and when we do, we look crazy.


Have fun!

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I think you should go. You're invited and it will make you feel better. Definitely do it. It might be a little awkward, but it's better than wondering what he's doing.

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First of all 'why are you hating' Yo G dog what up yo! Jesus. Sorry, had to get that out of my system.


Why exactly are you getting jelouse. From what you have said about thier relationship, they never speak, never hang out. Why so insecure. Has he cheated on you before or something. Is there something you arnt telling like they use to go out? I say tag along. Hes taken your feelings into consideration. He told you they are gonna hang out( and perhaps sensing your uneasyness about him hanging out with anouther girl) said, come along.


If you go, you will at least know whats up, and feel 100X better than if you were at home with thoughts of him banging in a bathroom stall floating around your head. Sheesh.

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Originally posted by SuperFantastico

First of all 'why are you hating' Yo G dog what up yo! Jesus. Sorry, had to get that out of my system.




:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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