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Could he be confused about his sexuality

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Hi - I have found out a 25 male friend of mine ( I am a woman) is seeing prostitutes. I don't judge him and am not shocked by this but wonder why he would do this. He has just had a girlfriend which lasted 8 weeks and apparently he told her it was just for sex. He also said that he finished with her, but it could be that she dumped him.


He often jokes around about being gay all the time and often mentions gays. He sent an email recently to me and a few of his other friends which was a flashing animation saying 'I am gay'.


He does have a weird sense of humour though but is always joking around. One minute he seems really down and the next he's joking around and on a high.


He letches at women all the time, but doesn't seem to be able to form a proper relationship.


He suffers from anxiety and gets depressed sometimes and has had a problem in the past with drugs (ecstasy). He once told me he is lonely.


I get the feeling that deep down he is unhappy and that's why he goes to prostitutes or do you think he could be just a bit of a lad and just want sex or do you think he could be using sex to cover up his longing for a secure relationship, or maybe he is confused as to his sexuality.


Sorry if this isn't a relationship problem as such but I am very curious and do care for this man.

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I couldn't be surely exactly what motivates him. Your best bet is to continue not to judge him. He does have a lot of issues he needs to deal with. Hopefully he will get some help.


Judging from your post, I would think he's most likely bisexual. He's also still working on exploring his sexuality. It may take a while before he clearly defines himself. Meanwhile, he's likely to continue to exhibit eratic and unstable behavior and moods.

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