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She nearly cheated

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Cheaters NEVER tell the truth on D-Day. They only admit to what you know. And all the OP knew was what he'd seen in a very chopped up message thread.


Sounds as though he wants to keep his head buried in the sand rather than pursue the truth, which is probably much uglier than the story he was given by his wife. Pretty typical.


Good luck to you OP.

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I can imagine this must be hard on you. Any act of cheating, whether physical or emotional, has the ability to leave deep scars on your mind and indelible marks on the relationship. But in this case, it seems that nothing more happened. Your wife seems to be telling the truth and is largely embarassed and regretful about what happened. Remember that people make mistakes. Human being get attracted to each other - this happens with married people as well. Probably what she said was true - she was just behaving like a school girl happy to receive all the attention....


1 piece of advice: Let it go. She loves you and is making every attempt to help you forget it. So let it go.... Such instances, at times, bring the couple closer. Clearly, this has happened in your case as well. Enjoy the bond, learn from the past mistakes and work towards improving your relationship.

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